Explaining the phenomenon of the piece of buffalo meat makes the netizens dead

Many people will stand still when witnessing, the newly purchased buffalo meat suddenly . "dancing" as anyone is controlling.

Explain the phenomenon of haunting dancing meat pieces

Recently, netizens are spreading the clip about strange phenomenon: the newly purchased buffalo meat suddenly . danced like "ghost done".

Picture 1 of Explaining the phenomenon of the piece of buffalo meat makes the netizens dead
Pieces of meat dancing.(Photo taken from the clip).

To see more clearly, please see the clip below.

Clip on "dancing" buffalo meat is spreading strongly in the online community.

The incident this time made many people remember immediately the case of the fish though he lost his head but still struggled with a few months ago.

There have been a lot of comments that explain this bizarre phenomenon, but the result is still each one. People thought that buffalo meat was infected with parasites such as worms and parasites . causing it to writhe. Others believe that there is a mysterious supernatural phenomenon here.

So how does it really work? Let's find out.

What makes buffalo meat "dancing"?

In fact, this phenomenon does not only appear in buffalo meat. At the end of June 2015, a woman in China also posted a similar video. Specifically, the piece of beef she just bought suddenly . moved in a very mysterious way.

At first, she also thought that the piece of meat bought with worms, but when it was removed, nothing was seen - it was a perfectly normal piece of meat.

Explaining this, scientists believe that this is merely a phenomenon of nerve cramps in newly slaughtered animals . According to Lv Suwen - an expert in Chinese zoology, after being slaughtered - the animal's central nervous system is definitely dead.

Picture 2 of Explaining the phenomenon of the piece of buffalo meat makes the netizens dead

However, when the slaughter is finished, other nerves are still not dead . Therefore, when there is a difference in temperature, the muscles on the piece of meat can contract, creating a phenomenon of "dancing meat" that makes many people . lose heart . This phenomenon will end after a short period of time - a few dozen minutes to an hour later.

In addition, Suwen also shared that the "dancing meat" phenomenon only comes from newly slaughtered animals . This proves that the woman's beef, and the "strange buffalo" piece above is really fresh.