Extinct animals are forgotten by humans

The extinction of the animals below is little known to people like dinosaurs, dodo birds, or mammoths . but they also make scientists regret it.

Here are the extinct animals that people rarely know:

1. Kaola Lemur - Megaladapis edwarsi

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Although they were not named until 1894, Kaola lemurs have existed since the end of the Pliocene era to the Holocene period. Scientists believe they may be closely related to modern lemurs.

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People came to Madagascar 2000 years ago. Since then, 17 species of extinct lemurs are caused by their size. Megaladapis edwarsi lemur has a skull of the size of a Gorrila Edwarsi.

Their bodies are large and 1.5m (5ft) long, and weigh about 75kg (165lb), possibly more. They are too big to jump, and limit the ability to hunt on the ground. Hypothetically, Megaladapis edwarsi can walk on all fours like an orangutan.

2. Australian Python

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Australian Python - Wonambi naracoortensis lives in the Pliocene era in Australia. This giant snakehead is 4.5 meters long but lacks the characteristic flexibility of the present solid jaw. Snake species have flexible jaw joints that can swallow larger prey, while in lizards it is impossible.

With the intermediate characteristics between snake python and roller, the Wonambi Australian python cannot be adapted and extinct 40,000 years ago.

3. Deer Rucervus Schomburgki

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According to rumors, Rucervus Schomburgki Deer is said to symbolize the power of magic and healing. They were searched, hunted by trafficking drug dealers. During the flood season, deer herds often gather on high land; This is the time when they are especially easily killed.

The Rucervus schomburgki deer was finally killed in 1932. But oddly enough, in 1991, Laurent Chazee agronomist photographed a pair of deer antlers at a traditional medicine store in Laos. The gauze was later identified as the antlers of the Rucervus schomburgki.

4. Owl Sceloglaux Albifacies

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The laugh of albifacies Sceloglaux originated from New Zealand became rare in the mid 1800s. The sound of this owl sounded like a giggle of mad people, sometimes even like a barking dog.

Once upon a time, they were raised as pets by prisoners in prison but banned from spawning because of a large number. This owl is eventually extinct because the natives release many predators that change their habitat.

5. Antelope Hippotragus Leucophaeus

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The blue wildebeest is native to South Africa with beautiful blue fur enchanting, taking bark as food. They are one of those animals that have social organization, well adapted, fast moving.

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The number of these antelope populations has declined significantly from 2000 years to the end of the 18th century. Climate change, hunting, disease and the introduction of alien species are causes. push the wildebeest to the brink of extinction.

6. Rhino Coelodonta Antiquitatis

Fossils of large rhinos, shaggy fur with a life of 3.6 million years are found in Asia, Europe, Tibet and North Africa. Their horns were initially mistaken for the giant claws of ancient birds.

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This rhino species was an enemy of territorial competition with mammoths. But since prehistoric humans appeared, they have been hunted and become the subject of the cave walls.

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Scientists believe that the last individual Coelodonta Antiquitatis rhino existed at the end of the ice age about 11,000 years ago.