Fact: People perceive only 30 gray nuances

Forget the name '50 shades - Gray 'because people only see about 30 shades of gray.

The film '50 shades - Gray' has been storming everywhere, attracting the attention of most of us. For those who have not read this novel, the title of the movie is very misleading to them. Can people sense 50 shades of gray?

Picture 1 of Fact: People perceive only 30 gray nuances

The answer is no . According to scientists, human vision only senses a maximum of about 30 shades of gray in a total of about 10 million colors we can distinguish.

Picture 2 of Fact: People perceive only 30 gray nuances
The number of human eye gray color distinguishes the reality very poor

This is the result of a study by Eric Kreit and colleagues at the University of Cincinnati, published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface . Accordingly, the human eye has 4 types of photoreceptors that receive light at the base of the retina. In it, only one type of cell is responsible for distinguishing between black, gray and white. They are 120 million rod cells with very low levels of light perception.

Picture 3 of Fact: People perceive only 30 gray nuances

It is a very small number of rod cells and the ability to receive low light is very poor, making the human eye distinguish very few shades of gray. Meanwhile, like cats, their number of rod cells is 8 times more than humans. As a result, this species can be seen in extremely good darkness.

Picture 4 of Fact: People perceive only 30 gray nuances
The gray "hate" makes it difficult for people to encounter gray weather

The new study eliminated questions that appeared a long time ago. Specifically, a 2001 study initially suggested that people could only perceive 8 - 16 gray shades. On the contrary, some e-book documents claim that there is a lack of evidence that the number of gray people seen is up to about 450.

Reference: Dailyl Mail.