Getting this 5 tricks will ensure you don't worry about stealing your wallet or money

The thieves are extremely quick and quick-eyed, so grasp these tricks, you will be more careful when you go out.

It is not wrong to say that the pickpockets and thieves always have the ability to observe the super-sharp "prey" beams, wait for the opportunity to come and "stomp".

Not only that, these thieves also urge you to participate to set up your performance more effectively.

Knowing these tricks, ensuring 90% you won't worry about being stolen by a thief! Remember, always be careful with your belongings, especially wallets, personal documents .

1. Pretend to drop the bag, enabling the latter to pick up the purse

Picture 1 of Getting this 5 tricks will ensure you don't worry about stealing your wallet or money

One of the most popular moves is to distract you. The thief by "accidentally" will drop bags and belongings in front of you so you can stop and ask for help.

Right now, the second thief will have the task of overflowing at the loophole you talk to thief 1 to "steal" the wallet, phone out of your pocket. The whole process only takes a few moments, so fast that you have not realized it yet.

=> Solution: Always keep your wallet, phone on the inside of the zippered pocket carefully, or in the pocket of the clothes inside your body.

2. The question "intentionally" and oh well, the bag is gone

Picture 2 of Getting this 5 tricks will ensure you don't worry about stealing your wallet or money

Imagine you're reading a book in the park. Suddenly, a stranger walked over to ask about the book you were reading. The two discuss lively about the book, the author of that book.

Strange looks seem to be attractive, trustworthy, but only one purpose is to distract you - while his friends have gone and brought your bag.

=> Solution: Put your arm over the handle of the bag, hold it close to your body, or not if the small bag you can wear on your body, or put it on the ground, just below your feet.

3. "Sorry, you have to drop your money."

Picture 3 of Getting this 5 tricks will ensure you don't worry about stealing your wallet or money

When withdrawing money at an ATM, it is likely that the following person will see your PIN. Wait while the machine is counting the money, release the card . the criminal can take a note to throw on the floor, or a piece of paper and ask if you are dropped by you?

Now you accidentally turn away, bent down to pick up the money sheet / review the paper, the thief keeps pulling your pocket card. You go back to withdraw money at the money hold and leave because you think you have already taken the card. So the card with the PIN is in the hands of the thief.

=> Solution: While entering the PIN, use your hand to cover the keyboard surface to not reveal the number. Don't forget to check the card and the money you have taken before leaving.

4. Ask the road - it's all just a drama

Picture 4 of Getting this 5 tricks will ensure you don't worry about stealing your wallet or money

You are leisurely sitting at a coffee shop and using the phone to surf the web. Suddenly, a young man is a tourist who walks in and asks you to give directions with the map on hand. You unconsciously put the phone down on the table to help.

When you try to explain it to the person who understands it, your phone comes from the tabletop into the pocket of the thief.

=> Solution: Do not hang the bag on the back seat, especially in a crowded, public café, or do not put things on the table - being impolite and easily " lost " .

5. Take photos to help people around, change back pocket

Picture 5 of Getting this 5 tricks will ensure you don't worry about stealing your wallet or money

One of the thieves will choose someone who is carrying a bag to take a picture of him using his camera. And often, this camera is quite old, throwing away without regret.

But then, when you put the bag on the ground, the thief will cleverly ask you to stand back up to capture it more clearly. When you approach you, the thief will suddenly walk over and take his bag.

=> Solution: If it is possible to take photos, always let your personal belongings always be in your field of view wherever you are.