Ghost ocean on Mercury

Mercury, the planet that is closest to the sun, may have owned a large ma-ocean ocean and curled up early in its 4.5-billion-year history.

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Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have analyzed the current rocky surface of Mercury, based on data collected from the probe ship of the US Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA).

Picture 1 of Ghost ocean on Mercury
Mercury's surface is under the lens of Messenger

Messenger ship turned around Mercury orbit from March 2011, bringing with it the mission to reconstruct the history of the planet.

The chemical structural properties of rocks on the surface show that each presence of a giant liquid ocean on Mercury appears when Mercury is only 1 to 10 million years old, according to a report published in the Earth Journal. and Planetary Science Letters.

Messenger has helped to identify two characteristic structures of Mercury's surface, and experiments show that these structures can only be explained by the phenomenon: a vast ma-ocean creates two crystalline layers. can be different, hardened and gradually melted into this tank.

'What is impressive is that the process did not happen recently. Mercury shells may have been more than 4 billion years old, so this sea of ​​ghosts is actually a feature from ancient times, ' said MIT geologist Timothy Grove.