Just go wrong, because coming to the geniuses is 'silly' to this extent

The transcendent minds of mankind also sometimes give false statements that cannot help, including the genius Albert Einstein.

The words of famous people are often seen as "golden rulers" to follow. However, history has proved, no matter how great, no one can completely avoid mistakes.

Many famous people, even genius Albert Einstein, have made a misgivings about the future, even in their area of ​​expertise. Over time, when these predictions are tested, we cannot help but be surprised by their "reverse" level.

1. In 1989, Bill Gates - founder of Microsoft technology corporation announced:

Picture 1 of Just go wrong, because coming to the geniuses is 'silly' to this extent

Just four years later, Microsoft released Windows NT 3.1, the first 32-bit version of the operating system, and until now many newer versions of Windows still use the 32-bit platform.

2. In 1800, Napoleon Bornaparte - a brilliant French military and political man after hearing American engineer Robert Fulton presenting his plan to build a ship with a steam engine, he responded:

Picture 2 of Just go wrong, because coming to the geniuses is 'silly' to this extent

Fortunately, by continuing to believe in the "nonsense" that Robert Fulton later enrolled as a successful developer of the first commercial steam ships.

3. In 1895, Lord Kelvin - a Scottish physicist, mathematician, and great inventor commented on the feasibility of aircraft:

Picture 3 of Just go wrong, because coming to the geniuses is 'silly' to this extent

But then on December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers took a flight to life, opening a glorious period for the airline industry.

4. In 1932, the father of the Theory of Relativity Albert Einstein gave a view on nuclear energy:

Picture 4 of Just go wrong, because coming to the geniuses is 'silly' to this extent

Regrettably, the price that Einstein guessed was correct, perhaps the atomic bomb never appeared, and the people of Hiroshima and Nagashaki did not suffer so horribly catastrophic in human history in 1945.

5. In 1901, HG Wells - the famous British novelist of science fiction genre, evaluated the primitive submarine:

Picture 5 of Just go wrong, because coming to the geniuses is 'silly' to this extent

Imagination is one thing, ignore him, and reality is far beyond imagination. Through two world wars, submarines demonstrate strength as one of the scariest weapons people have ever used.

6. In 1878, William Preece - British inventor confidently told the owner of the first phone patent Graham Bell .

Picture 6 of Just go wrong, because coming to the geniuses is 'silly' to this extent

Yet now phones that dominate the globe, including the UK, even mobile phones have become an extremely popular thing, not mailers.

7. In 1889, Thomas Edison - who holds the most patents in the world - criticized the construction of an alternating power distribution system:

Picture 7 of Just go wrong, because coming to the geniuses is 'silly' to this extent

If you listen to him, you cannot imagine what humanity would be like today. Electric lamps, electric stoves, televisions, etc. will probably not reach the current high capacity. Moreover, the electricity bill is . probably a high number.