Learn about the sound that helps you ... see ghosts

This is the answer to why there are people who claim to have seen ghosts.

Ghosts and spiritual worlds are a matter of much controversy until today. Those who do not believe that there is no such thing as a ghost, but they cannot prove the opposite, that ghosts are not real.

But ignoring that problem, in fact, many people swear to swear to die that they saw "ghost". Excluding the possibility that they lie, but according to the science revealed, there is a sound like ghost. That is the " sound wave" - the sounds have a frequency of 7 - 19Hz that the human ear cannot hear, but still senses it.

Starting from a creepy sound but no one knew

On one day in the late 50s of the twentieth century, French scientist Vladimir Gavreau accidentally saw his assistant, who was working in his lab, bleeding his ears.

He began to study this bizarre phenomenon by holding the rod vibrators closer to his assistants. Vladimir realized that with a reasonable sized vibrating tube, our ears would have a slight burning sensation, or even an intense pain.The main cause is infrasound.

Picture 1 of Learn about the sound that helps you ... see ghosts
Many people swear to vow to die that they see "ghost".

In another experiment, scientists sneaked into the sound of a concert with some downsides. As a result, 22% of the audience felt that they experienced a sense of fear, sadness and chills, though the melodies in the concert were judged to be melodious, gentle and wonderful.

But above all, this kind of sound originated from nature : volcanoes, earthquakes, waves, wind . and animals. The tiger's growl has a frequency of 18Hz - the frequency of lowering sounds.

Sound makes us see "ghost"

At a building where Vic Tandy - a British researcher works, the cleaning staff as well as his colleagues often feel scared, sad and feel like someone is watching him. ; Some people even see shadows.

Picture 2 of Learn about the sound that helps you ... see ghosts
This sound comes from nature.

Tandy himself also looked after seeing a gray figure standing next to his desk determined to find a solution to the existence of these "cinnamon ghosts" .

Excluding causes such as gas or broken equipment, he realized that "ghost" only appeared in certain places in the laboratory and when he put a piece of metal paper on an eel, it will vibrate constantly. "Ma" do it? No, it's a negative sound .

Picture 3 of Learn about the sound that helps you ... see ghosts
An old fan in the "retirement" period here emitted low frequency vibrations.

Specifically, an old fan in the "retirement" period here emitted low frequency vibrations. These vibrations echo throughout the room until it produces a low frequency of 18.9 Hz, enough to make people feel shaky.

Picture 4 of Learn about the sound that helps you ... see ghosts
These echoes may have resonated with human eyeballs, causing distorted, distorted images.

According to NASA research, these echoes may have resonated with human eyeballs, causing distorted, distorted images. When the eye is shaken like this, it is possible that the brain receives static images such as frames or a dust-like particle moving, like a ghost swaying in mid-air.

According to Professor Richard Wiseman from Hertfordshire University, the places that are believed to have haunted in the world often have the appropriate structure or conditions for the appearance of lower sound, causing "ghost" illusions.

Picture 5 of Learn about the sound that helps you ... see ghosts

And you guessed it, after Tandy removed that fan, "ghost" in the building automatically went anywhere. Not only that, Tandy also contributed "except ghosts " to a monastery later. This monastery has a basement that when you walk in, people will feel nauseous, cold and hairy and see "ghost".

When the Vic arrived, he quickly saw the basement's shape, the corridor leading to the basement and the adjacent factories also facilitated the appearance of an 18.9 Hz downfall.

The ability to use "ghost" as a weapon - yes or no?

Many people believe that this type of sound can be used as a weapon in war, or at least to disperse the crowd. And in fact, people did it but failed miserably.

While the British had successfully adopted a negative success in disbanding the crowds, the Americans failed to use the sound during the war.

They use helicopters to emit a series of low-frequency sounds with the intention of making the soldiers below panic or at least make them uncomfortable.

However, the negative wave in this case only makes the troops below feel a bit scared and even stimulate the . happy feeling inside them.

Picture 6 of Learn about the sound that helps you ... see ghosts
The British have successfully adopted a negative success in dispersing crowds.

The problem here is that each person reacts to this sound in different ways. If you want to create artificial hypo waves and cause obvious sensations, you will need a tool that is big and strong enough.

Picture 7 of Learn about the sound that helps you ... see ghosts
The problem here is that each person reacts to this sound in different ways.

However, the sound waves seem to be very useful in . haunted houses, as long as sound waves emit strong enough.