Lions are disappearing in West Africa

The lord of the green forest is standing on the verge of extinction in West Africa, with only a few hundred surviving now.

Picture 1 of Lions are disappearing in West Africa
Lions are slowly disappearing on the West African grasslands - (Photo: Reuters)

Based on previous research results from Duke University (UK), the group of experts from Africa, the US, UK and Australia spent 6 years surveying West African lions.

The study was conducted in 11 countries and stretched over 2,400km, according to Reuters.

The report published in PLOS One shows that only 406 lions exist in the area, with less than 250 mature individuals.

Of the 21 lion residences within the scope of observation, only 4 isolated areas have a confirmed community, including 1 community in Senegal, 2 in Nigeria and 1 in the border of Benin, Niger and Burkina Faso .

Today's lion's territory has shrunk to 1.1% compared to the past in West Africa.

Africa is home to less than 35,000 lions. 50 years ago, there were about 100,000 lions in the continent.