Long-tail monk parrot is about to be destroyed

The UK has just announced that it will be possible to shoot long-tail monkeys because of the threat of ecosystems and crops.

Picture 1 of Long-tail monk parrot is about to be destroyed
The monk's tail is long. (Source: Internet )

The British Ministry of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said: Long-tailed parrots (originating from South Africa), are invasive species. The agency has just announced measures to control the parrot species by moving them elsewhere or breaking their nests.

' The last case we will have to shoot them,' Defra spokesman said.

Defra estimates that there are about 100 species of yellow-green-necked birds in the country, mostly concentrated in the Southeast. Although these birds have not caused any damage, Defra thinks they are at risk of threatening the 'national infrastructure'.

According to Defra, long-tailed macaws have caused many crop losses in North and South America, they can interrupt the power supply system if nesting on high-voltage poles, especially when their nest is wet. because of the rain.

Unlike relatives of the ancient parrot, the long-tailed macaw built a very large common nest. This parrot is characterized by gray-green fur and its voice sounds hoarse.