Love is like an addiction

It is not unjustified that many people endure abusive with the past love, by passing a broken love is like giving up an addiction.

The new study, conducted by a team at Rutgers University in the US, found that for those who have lost love, looking at pictures of their former lovers activates the brain region associated with rewarding, craving, addiction, emotional control, feeling of attachment, physical pain and misery .

The results explain why some people find it very difficult to overcome a broken affair, and why in some cases people are pushed to perform violent acts such as stalking or killing the old.

" Love is like an addiction, " study author Helen E. Fisher, an anthropologist at Rutgers University, said. " It is a magical and magical addiction when everything goes well but becomes horrible when things go bad ."

According to Livescience , the researchers speculate that the brain has such an evolutionary origin.

Picture 1 of Love is like an addiction

" I think brain activity for love evolved from millions of years ago, helping our ancestors focus their energy on just one person, at a time, and starting the breeding process ," Fisher said. to speak. " And when you get pregnant, you've lost the biggest reward in life, it's your reproduction partner ."

" The brain system is activated to help you find a way to get that person back, so keep you focused on people, yearning for people and wanting them back ."

Fisher and his colleagues took a brain scan of 15 young men (10 women and 5 men) who had just been abandoned by their lovers but still loved this person. The average time of the relationship is two years and the time has passed since the affair ended for two months.

All participants scored high scores on the rating scale of intense emotions. These people also spend 85% of their waking hours thinking about old people.

However, the researchers also reported good news for the afflicted: the time will heal the wound . The farther away the farewell, the less activity in the area of ​​brain suffering. Meanwhile, the brain region involved in emotional control, evaluation and decision making is more active. That proves that the person has learned the lesson from the past and knows how to face the present better.

Researchers also recommend that talking about your experience, instead of silently sullen, will be more effective for those who are in love.