Marvel at the evidence of the existence of dark matter
Researchers at the University of Bonn and the University of California at Irvine used sophisticated computer simulations, to give an experiment that could answer the question: Does dark matter exist?
Using one of the fastest supercomputers in the world, scientists have simulated the mysterious distribution of matter in satellite "dwarf" galaxies. These are small galaxies orbiting larger galaxies like the Milky Way or Andromeda galaxy.
Acceleration forces them to change direction due to mysterious material attraction.(Image source: Phys).
The researchers focused on a relationship called radial acceleration relationship (RAR).
In disk galaxies, stars move in circular orbit around the center of the galaxy. Acceleration forces them to change direction due to the mysterious physical attraction , possibly a form in the galaxy.
RAR describes the relationship between this acceleration and the relationship caused by that mysterious material. It provides an insight into the structure of galaxies, and their mysterious material distribution.
"We have simulated intergalactic RAR relationships with the assumption that dark matter might exist , " explains Dr. Cristiano Porciani of the Argelander Astronomical Institute at the University of Bonn.
Most physicists believe that dark matter accounts for about 80% of the mass in the universe. Since it does not interact with light, it is almost invisible to a telescope.
However, assuming that its existence is real, it will provide another observation solution related to cosmic background radiation, the aura of a massive stellar explosion.
In addition, the existence of dark matter provides an ideal explanation for the arrangement and rate of formation of galaxies in the universe.
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