Mercury shrinks faster than expected

The smallest planet and the closest to the sun are shrinking in size faster than previously calculated by experts.

>>>The unexpected similarity between the moon and Mercury

Picture 1 of Mercury shrinks faster than expected

According to the results of various studies, the width of Mercury has decreased by 11 km since the solar system was born 4.5 billion years ago.

When the planet cools and shrinks, its surface appears to have long, criss-like grooves similar to the wrinkles on a rotting apple. Experts from the Carnegie Institute of Science (USA) estimate Mercury is shrinking with a stronger margin than the previous calculation of the Mariner 10 cruise ship about 2-3 km, according to

The new discovery explains the cooling of the giant metal core located in the center of the planet. Accordingly, Mercury's tendency to shrink is the product of the planet's odd structure component , which is described as' like a metal core floating in space with a surface covered by a thin layer'.

In fact, Mercury's core accounts for 42% of its volume compared to 17% in the case of the earth.