Messages from animal colors

In nature, many animals use body color to disguise predators or warn threats to enemies or to attract mates .

Picture 1 of Messages from animal colors

A triplefin fish is almost indistinguishable when it rests on the bright red foam at Tukangbesi pristine islands of Indonesia's national marine reserve.It disguises red as a sponge to avoid the sight of predators

Picture 2 of Messages from animal colors

This green snail disguises very well on a large leaf in the Borneo rainforest, under the sovereignty of three countries: Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia.Many of the vast forests isolated on Borneo are home to rich ecosystems but they are facing widespread deforestation.

Picture 3 of Messages from animal colors

Golden snake Viper lives in Central and South America.Its shocking golden color has a powerful warning function: 'I'm very poisonous.Don't come near! '

Picture 4 of Messages from animal colors

Indian Indians are showing off the splendor and glamor of the giant tail to attract many females at an Australian reserve.