Military weapons 'strange' ever appeared

When it comes to military weapons, people often think of guns, bullets, tanks, airplanes . however, the world has appeared strange weapons that no one knows, even Lice never used.

Military weapons often refer to weapons in the military, national defense, for national security purposes, including guns, bullets, aircraft, vehicles . but in the history of distribution There have been strange and strange military weapons that have never been seen before and have never been used.

Here are the strange weapons that not everyone knows

Bat bomb

Picture 1 of Military weapons 'strange' ever appeared
Bat bombs are one of the weirdly created military weapons

It's not Batman's bomb, it's not a bomb with the special characteristics of bats, but the bomb itself is full of bats. These bats are attached to napalm fragments, the idea of ​​this weapon is that after being released on enemy territory, the bats in the bomb will carry napalm fragments scattered across the enemy base, waiting Detonators are activated remotely.

The idea seems to be quite convincing, however, in fact, when bats are released, they will scatter, bringing with them all the napalm fragments everywhere, with many deadly dangers, thus This "weird" gas has not been used once in the field.

Hybrid device of Ek Ekoploplane

The aircraft crossed the ship is an Soviet idea, with the power of an aircraft, traveling on water like a boat, with an air cushion to move, Lun Ekranoplane can fly a few meters above the water. Thanks to special wings and propulsion, this seems to be a specialized device not quite perfect.

Picture 2 of Military weapons 'strange' ever appeared
This hybrid device is expected to be an effective means of transporting military weapons

With a length of 300m, this device promises to carry a lot of weapons. However, the hybridization itself is not clear, not flying as high as an airplane, not moving as fast as boats, making this device never come true.

Missile guided by . pigeons

Before the devices were oriented to the current development, Japan used to develop missiles in the form of manned aircraft. But western countries want to keep pilots alive, so a rocket is guided by . the dove proposed.

Picture 3 of Military weapons 'strange' ever appeared
Dove is also a part of military weapons?

This type of missile will rely on continuous pigeons on the image of the target in the missile chamber, helping to keep the direction and maintaining the target, however, like the two weapons, the name type This fire has never been true because of its unreliability and somewhat wildness.

Spy cat

The most valuable military weapon is intelligence and to get top secret intelligence, often spies are needed. In 1960, the CIA spent $ 20,000,000 on a program to turn cats into live surveillance devices. This program was canceled in 1967 and it is unclear if it was actually implemented.

Picture 4 of Military weapons 'strange' ever appeared
Not really a military weapon, this idea only helps to increase intelligence gathering ability

Dog kills up

Before modern weapons, navigational weapons, and smart weapons were invented, the use of war animals was quite common. The idea here is to turn dogs into tools to take down tanks by dropping timed mines next to tanks. But after all, mines often explode too soon or too late.

Vespa fought

Picture 5 of Military weapons 'strange' ever appeared
Vespa pit is equipped with a variety of military weapons

If someone had seen the normal Vespa, then the Vespa would have been equipped with an M20 gun against 75mm bullets, a heat warhead cannon would be an odd weapon. Designed for a squad to attack 2 people, one operator, 1 loader. A deadly weakness of this combination is that all types of guns mounted on vehicles do not have a sight but are mounted on a stand attached to the chassis. However, with quite cheap price to install, there are 500 Vespas of this type.