Mona Lisa just gave birth to a child while modeling

Mona Lisa, the mysterious woman in Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece of the 16th century, sat as a model when she gave birth to her second son, a French art expert.

The discovery was made possible thanks to the 3-D infrared technology seen through the paint of the work.

Picture 1 of Mona Lisa just gave birth to a child while modeling High-resolution 3-dimensional picture shot. (Photo: Reuters) Bruno Mottin at the Research and Restoration Center of the Louvre Museum in France said that when he thoroughly examined the painting, the team found that the Mona Lisa's dress was covered with a cloth. chiffon transparent.

"This thin tangle is very typical in the early 16th century, worn by Italian women who were pregnant or have just given birth. It is something that has never been known because the painting is dark and very difficult to control. check ".

"Now we can say that Leonardo da Vinci painted the painting to celebrate the birth of the Mona Lisa's second son, around 1503".

The young woman with identified half-smile was Lisa Gherardini, wife of Florentine merchant Francesco de Giocondo. She has 5 children.

Mottin also said that contrary to popular beliefs, the beauty did not leave her hair free and actually wore a round hat covering her head.

"People always wrote that the Mona Lisa let her hair fall over her shoulders, which surprised the historians because letting the hair of liberty during the Renaissance was only for young girls and poor women," he said.

Experts from the Canadian National Research Institute said the painting is in a very perishable state, but if kept carefully it will not be degraded.

Researchers hope to find out more about the " sfumato " technique - drawing translucent shades to create a halo effect. "The painting is extremely thin and flat, but the details of each strand are very striking. So for us, this technique is extremely new. Leonardo is really a master of his own." learn John Taylor.

Picture 2 of Mona Lisa just gave birth to a child while modeling
Mona Lisa picture (Photo: