Mysterious ghosts appear in the castle in England?

When visiting Dudley Castle in Castle Hill (England) - one of the places rumored to be the most famous haunt of England, a family of tourists believed that they had captured the image of the ghost "Lady Gray ", according to the Daily Mail.

Amy Harper (28) and her husband Dean Harper (33) and three children went to visit Dudley castle. Here, Miss Harper took pictures with her phone.

Picture 1 of Mysterious ghosts appear in the castle in England?
The ghost image that Mrs. Harper captured

After returning home, Harper took a closer look at the photographs taken at the old castle. As he zoomed in on a panorama of the castle from the tower of Sharington Range, a ruin on the east side of Dudley Castle, Harper panicked at the shadow of a gray-dressed woman standing in the middle of the porch.

"It's scary. My husband heard about the ghost" Lady Gray, "and we believe this is her," she said.

The picture drew attention on social networking sites. Many people believe that the photo was edited through special software to create a ghost effect, but Miss Harper denied that and said that even if she wanted to fake her, she didn't know where to start.

Barri Ghai, the chief investigator of Ghostfinder Paranormal Society, a ghost hunter calling himself in England, said the shadow in the picture is a product of "matrixing" - a term that describes the trend of finding a familiar image in Multi-shape or multicolored environment of the human brain.

Ghai thinks that in this case, the darkness and light in the archway and the previous rumors about ghosts have made people mistaken.

Picture 2 of Mysterious ghosts appear in the castle in England?
Dudley Castle looks from Sharington Range

This may even be just a certain visitor standing in the door frame and accidentally being photographed.

Dudley Castle was built in 1071. This place is one of the most rumored locations in Britain.

The "gray lady" is said to be the ghost of Dorothy Beaumont, the wife of a senior figure who lived in Dudley castle during the British Civil War in 1962. A few months after the death of her newborn baby, Dorothuy Beaumont had death because of suffering.

Her will was buried next to her daughter, however, this was not done. Therefore, many people speculate that her ghost still lingered in the castle looking for a girl.

The title has been changed.