NASA encourages private operators to exploit the Moon

The US Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has announced it will support private companies seeking to exploit resources on the Moon.

>>>American private company takes spacecraft to the Moon

According to AFP, NASA said it is ready to allow private companies to leverage the agency's technology, manpower and facilities to design and build autonomous robots operating on the Moon.

Picture 1 of NASA encourages private operators to exploit the Moon

However, the US Government will not provide financial support for these projects. NASA Exploration Systems Manager Jason Crusan said recent Moon missions show the existence of water and remarkable substances on the Moon's surface.

'But in order to assess and access these resources, we need to go to the Moon's surface and explore,' Crusan said. 'Private companies can help exploit these resources.' NASA official Greg Williams also said that NASA is focusing on the goal of bringing people to meteorites and Mars, thus enabling private companies to develop Moon mining technology. In 2013, NASA also reached a cooperation agreement with Bigelow Aerospace, focusing on a plan to build a base on the Moon.

Experts say the Moon's surface contains a large amount of helium 3, potentially becoming a clean energy source for nuclear synthesis technology but very rare on Earth. In addition, the land on the Moon is rich in rare earth.