New invention creates eternal battery

Based on the principle of taking excess energy available in nature, scientists have successfully created batteries that can last forever.

For decades, humans have been striving to find clean and inexhaustible energy sources to have a sustainable energy supply and contribute to combating climate change.

Picture 1 of New invention creates eternal battery
Illustration showing the additional energy generated during the use of the primary power source, creating a gravity battery. (Photo: LuckySoul/Adobe).

One of the problems that still exists and greatly affects energy production is how to capture excess energy to reduce loss and increase energy efficiency. Recently, scientists have found a solution, which is gravity batteries or gravity batteries.

Basically, this solution is based on the principle of taking excess energy generated from wind, solar and other renewable energy sources, storing this excess energy in large-volume batteries. These batteries will be stored high above the ground and during the process of lowering for use, they will generate additional energy thanks to gravity.

But how does that extra energy work as a battery? The basic idea is actually quite simple. Think about the effects of gravity. When a ball rolls down a hill, energy is created because the ball is moving, and that energy is initially created by the energy used to push the ball up the hill. That principle applies to the gravity batteries we're talking about here.

When we lift large masses up a vertical tunnel, like in a mine, we consume some energy, but because the masses (sand, dirt, rocks, whatever) are lifted up, we can let them fall back down to create additional energy. So, while not a standard battery, a gravity battery can still be used as an energy storage solution, just not in the way we usually think of.

Scientists usually call this energy potential energy and it is not electrical in nature, but it can be easily converted from the motion of gravity batteries into electrical energy and transmitted to power lines for use. This is a unique and novel idea, but it is ideas like this that often drive scientific breakthroughs in our civilization.

This isn't the first time gravity has been used to recharge batteries. A train designed to run forever uses a similar gravity battery, which is recharged whenever the train goes from high to low, so the train can run as long as there are places along the way where it can recharge its batteries.