New research shows: Worm holes can last long enough for us to pass through like in Interstellar

Wormhole is an interesting concept in contemporary physics and has received a lot of attention from the scientific community today.

Basically, wormholes, if they really exist, can be seen as super-fast space tunnels, allowing us to 'jump' from one point to another in the universe, or from one galaxy to another. another in a flash. Just think of hit sci-fi blockbusters like Interstellar or Event Horizon and you will immediately understand how magical wormholes are.

So far, the scientific community has put forward many hypotheses related to this concept, and most of them agree that: A wormhole immediately after its formation will collapse immediately due to lack of stability. Recently, however, computer scientist Pascal Koiran, from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France, hypothesized that wormholes can completely remain stable long enough for an object to have can go through it. Koiran's research will be published in The Journal of Modern Physics D in the near future.

Picture 1 of New research shows: Worm holes can last long enough for us to pass through like in Interstellar
Worm holes are super-speed tunnels that help us travel to other universes in a flash.

First, we need to understand a bit of background about how general relativity works. The theory of relativity is like a machine. If we 'load' it with certain objects, it helps us visualize how that object behaves over time under the influence of gravity.

Everything in general relativity is based on movement in space and time. In simple terms, objects start at certain physical coordinates, move back and forth, and finally end their journey at other coordinates.

The rules of general relativity are immutable, but it does allow scientists the freedom to describe those coordinates mathematically in a variety of ways. Physicists call these descriptions metric.

Think of the coordinate system as different paths from your home to your work. You can travel in different ways, in different ways, following different instructions (such as traffic signs, signal lights). But the end result is that you'll still get to your office. Similarly, physicists can use different coordinate systems to describe the same phenomenon or situation. And sometimes, one coordinate system is more useful and convenient than another.

Picture 2 of New research shows: Worm holes can last long enough for us to pass through like in Interstellar
The principles of general relativity are fixed, but scientists are free to describe the coordinates in it in different ways.

Koiran relied on the Eddington-Finkelstein coordinate system to describe the motion of objects around a wormhole. This coordinate system has many differences from the Schwarzschild coordinate system, which is more commonly used in physics today. Basically, the Schwarzschild coordinate system will only consider objects that reach the event horizon - the point where no object can escape the pull of the black hole.

Using the Eddington-Finkelstein coordinate system, Koiran can mathematically simulate the most reasonable route and path of an object when entering a black hole, through a wormhole without breaking the event horizon. . In other words, he was able to track the path of a matter particle, and discovered that it could cross the event horizon, enter the wormhole, and exit the other side in a limited amount of time. .

Of course, this doesn't guarantee that jumping into any black hole will get you safely through space and where you want to go. No one can be sure what awaits us at the exit of a wormhole. However, the main problem here is that Koiran's hypothesis has shown that it is likely that wormholes will not immediately collapse immediately after they are created as many previous theories of the scientific community.