Plants help increase labor productivity and creativity

A beautiful bonsai pot placed on a desk not only creates a unique style for everyone's work space, but can also help employees become more creative and productive - a study that just details reveal.

Experts from Exeter University (UK) conducted a study on 350 visitors at the recent Chelsea Flower Fair. Accordingly, participants were asked to evaluate their creativity, happiness and labor productivity in four different designed work environments in a series of 90 trials. The results showed that those working in ornamental environments felt that productivity increased by 38%, creativity increased by 45% and happiness increased by 47%. Experts believe their findings demonstrate that indoor plant pots not only improve mood, but are also essential to increase efficiency in the business environment.

According to the International Study on Quality of Life, ornamental plants have been shown to support concentration, reduce mental stress (stress) and minimize the number of painful days h. Dr Craig Knight, a psychologist at the University of Exeter, said: "It is time for us to take a step further to see if these principles can be applied to improve creativity or branding. Results work or not " . According to him, this result will also encourage business managers to share the working space with employees or design a modern "green" workspace.

Picture 1 of Plants help increase labor productivity and creativity

Many previous studies have shown that indoor or hospital bonsai arrangements have many positive effects . According to research by Kansas State University experts (US), patients treated in ornamental rooms say they feel less painful, anxious and tired, have a heart rate and Stable blood pressure, feeling happier than patients treated in rooms without trees. Meanwhile, houses with lots of ornamental plants have 50-60% less bacteria and mold than those without plants.

In addition to the above benefits, indoor ornamental pots also bring effects in different environments. Such as:

- At school: Research by the Royal College of Agriculture said that growing indoor plants in classrooms can help increase students' ability to absorb.

- For the environment: According to NASA's Stennis Space Center, indoor plants can eliminate up to 87% of air toxins within 24 hours. Besides, ornamental plants also work to remove harmful chemicals in the air that can cause allergies, breathlessness and even cancer.

- For health: Research by the University of Agriculture in Norway shows that growing bonsai can reduce fatigue, cough, sore throat and other conditions related to cold weather.

Mr. Monique Kemperman, a member of The Joy of Plants (UK), said: "Many scientific studies have proved that air quality will be significantly improved by scattered some indoor plants. ". Because of that, the organization wants to encourage people to plant at least one ornamental plant in their home or office and affirm that it will certainly create a significant impact on the quality of life of people.