Portrait of the star closest to the solar system

The US Space and Aeronautics Agency (NASA) has published a photo taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, which captures Near-Body, the star closest to the solar system, which cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Just 4 light-years away from Earth, belonging to the Centaurus, Sub- Sagittarius cannot be seen in the night sky, due to its low average brightness.

Picture 1 of Portrait of the star closest to the solar system
Photograph of the nearest solar system - (Photo: NASA)

It is also quite small compared to other stars, and is only 1/8 of the mass of the sun, according to Space.com.

The new image of Xi Jing, published by Baltimore Space Telescope Science Institute, was taken with Hubble's wide field camera and planet 2, or WFPC2 for short.

Xi Jing is part of the third star system, with two brothers, Alpha Centauri A and B.

Its brightness sometimes increases, so it is called a starlight . No matter how weak the light is, Xianyan will still be a star with a long lifespan.

According to astronomers, it will remain in this "middle-aged" state for a long time, adding 4 trillion years, or 300 times the current age of the universe.