Practice flying to Mars - Term 1: Hammering math problems

To reach the red planet, astronauts must prepare 36 months of solitary life, confined in a tiny space. A terrible psychological challenge that the current experiments on earth are trying to simulate so that it is best. Purpose: avoid astronauts from being 'disturbed'

There is still a curtain covering this journey to the star in the middle of the 21st century, the most daring and fundamental question: how to make astronauts willing to accept the toughest challenges in a Such long-term flight?

Picture 1 of Practice flying to Mars - Term 1: Hammering math problems

During the Antarctic winter, the Concordia research station is an absolutely isolated place but is ideal for simulating confined, confined conditions during training for the flying stars.At this mixed research station, there are more than 10 people living in isolation for 9 consecutive months

At first, this question seems to surprise us because it is certain that the first crew for this Mars trip will be carefully selected physically and mentally to complete the task. The thing is, how can we guarantee that these men and women suffer psychologically for a three-year "walk" even in the state of 'locked up' in a space only? Only 'like a canning can' and soaring to a world that is still completely mysterious to them? Will they live and carve about an 'indefinite future'? Until now, no one knew what would happen in that context . The European Space Agency (ESA) expert Marc Heppener had to say: ' Currently, the psychological transformation of the The one on this flight is the most difficult question to answer '. Elisabeth Rosnet of the application psychology lab at Reims (France) is more specific: ' In stressful situations, people will have strange reactions that they never do in everyday life .'

There was a life-threatening incident, how did they get back to earth?

If the ISS station is 400km away from the earth and the moon is 384,000km away, then calculate the ratio of the distance in the solar system, why the fire is between 56 million and 400 million kilometers from the earth! Since then, Dr. Antonio Guell of the French National Center for Space Research (CNES) summarized the following situation: ' If there is an incident on the ISS, we can return to Earth within a few hours, slowly especially 2 days. From the moon it takes 4 or 5 days. But in the case of a star-studded accident, we have to take up to 6 months to get back to this red planet's safe orbit and then get rid of the star's gravity, then 9 months to return to Earth. . This is a psychological and safe life problem . '

From the above fact, an immediate important solution that coaches perform is to prepare good psychology for future crews by establishing the contexts they call emulators, i.e. The worst situations that the "fire travelers" may encounter in the future. They chose a mixed French-Italian Antarctic research station called Concordia - a completely inaccessible place in the southern hemisphere's winter and one of the most isolated places in the world - to be a cover. Practical psychological experience for astronauts.

They are "forested" into the situation: long isolation time, multicultural relationship between individuals and a group of less than 10 members'.

Picture 2 of Practice flying to Mars - Term 1: Hammering math problems

The three main factors that make people psychologically fly to the sky are in crisis

The first is a lonely, isolated state, when there are no family, friends, and especially no means to neutralize that state , causing a person to suddenly get out of living habits. Every day will become losing confidence in yourself. And in the worst case scenario, this psychological crisis will be exacerbated if a person in that situation suffers from a personal tragedy, such as when he believes a loved one dies. Since then, the question is: how will astronauts fly to be able to adapt to such a situation, if any? Or fake, when the 'ground' will hide the sad things from the astronauts when they're on their journey to Mars? Because up to this point, there has not been any convention on how to deal with this situation in the star explorer program.

Next, a situation in which people appear to be very difficult to adapt is a captive mood . And furthermore, to live with private activities exposed to everyone, day in and day out. Psychologist Karine Weiss explains: ' In our normal lives and activities, even when we have long, overtime working hours, at least we still have Get a private evening to do something just for yourself . ' Even when living at Concordia station in Antarctica, members also have separate bedrooms. Living in the universe, according to the astronaut Jean-Pierre Haigneré, who lived 186 days on the MIR station, ' must know for yourself to have a small space, even if others still had to go back and forth there but could not touch. This space is for reflection, reflection and doing things in addition to everyday professional work on the station '.

The third element is the 'empty' mood that lasts . If astronauts on short-term flights are often filled with work to do, on the contrary, a long-term flight will mean frequent "underemployment". That is terrible, because once we have nothing to do, we will ponder over and over, causing a mental imbalance. On the other hand, a situation may occur when a certain member fails to complete or spoil a certain task, seriously affecting the overall plan of the team, causing the whole team to be angry and over-spoken. Again, the situation will be more serious, due to the lack of elements of reconciliation of matter and people .

Mars, an unprecedented adventure

Although mankind has overcome so many ocean waves and has walked on the moon, Mars is a faraway horizon that this conquest cannot be compared to any expedition from so far.In the field of space research, an Apollo could be seen landing in the moon in 1969 at a distance of 384,000km from the earth.Next, the longest space mission is that of a Russian - Valery Polyakov - with 438 days on the MIR station in 1994-1995, at several hundred kilometers high.On the mainland, Magellan's voyage is the longest.He left Spain in the summer of 1519. Two years later, he discovered that the strait was named after him, and he died in the Philippines in April 1521.Another sea voyage in the 20th century was Bernard Moitessier's round-the-world tour in the late 1960s, alone, with no means of assistance and no contact information.This maritime house left Plymouth on August 22, 1968 and arrived in Tahiti on June 21, 1969.Flying up to the stars is completely . different!

Term 2: Solving the problem of 'human'