Prospects from vaccine against bird flu

Sanofi Pasteur, a French pharmaceutical company, has announced an encouraging start to the test results of the first bird flu vaccine.

Picture 1 of Prospects from vaccine against bird flu

Experts say a pandemic is inevitable

The company said it had responded well to 300 vaccinated volunteers in an experiment, and this is the basis for more intensive research and testing.

Scientists around the world are currently working on a vaccine against the H5N1 strain of bird flu. They are considering the possibility that the virus could mutate into a deadly form of flu that could spread globally.

Currently, it is not possible to vaccinate before the pandemic begins because the vaccine must be injected with the correct strain of the virus, it is unknown when it will happen.

Even so, Sanofi Pasteur, a vaccine division of giant pharmaceutical company Sanofi Aventis, still hopes to develop a practical vaccine that is capable of treating bird flu worldwide.

T.VY (According to BBC)