Researching neuronal cells: dogs 'twice as smart' cats

Until now, many people still argue about the intelligence between the two species. Everyone has their own arguments and it seems that this "war" will not end until a recent study of the brains of these two species of animals reveals the results.

Cnet reported that a group of scientists have been studying and finding dogs with more nerve cells in an important part of the brain than cats. They believe these neurons help determine the animal's cognitive abilities and that means that dogs are considered smarter than cats.

Picture 1 of Researching neuronal cells: dogs 'twice as smart' cats
Dogs and cats, which are smarter?

Neuroscientist Suzana has developed a method that is able to accurately count the number of nerve cells in the cortex. She said this is "small gray cells related to the ability to think, organize and perform complex actions". Later, an international team of scientists took over her research and compared brain size as well as the number of neurons in many animals, including two common pet species. in families are dogs and cats.

Research shows that cats have about 250 million cortical neurons , while dogs have 530 million cells.

Picture 2 of Researching neuronal cells: dogs 'twice as smart' cats
Cats have about 250 million cortical neurons.

Scientists also point out that the size of the brain does not always correlate with the number of neurons. Cat bears - animals with a brain size close to that of cats have an approximate number of neurons to some primates while brown bears have larger brains but only have the same amount of cells as cats .

Researchers have published their findings in a journal with the title: "Although they don't own the largest brain, dogs have the most cortical neurons." The article states that dogs have a biological ability to perform far more complex and flexible actions than cats.

Picture 3 of Researching neuronal cells: dogs 'twice as smart' cats
Dogs are considered smart because of their ability to perform many complex actions.

This is not the first study to place intelligence between dogs and cats on a scale table. Another study by the University of Oxford in 2010 showed that highly social animals like dogs have a better brain capacity than "solitary" animals like cats.

No matter what the results of the research are, cats or cat lovers will still think that their pets are smarter and, naturally, each species has intelligence and ability. certain power that the other species cannot have.