Russia: Catching aliens in the sea

After the Azov sea hurricane 2 months ago, the villagers of Rostov (Russia) captured a strange, unusual shaped creature with only a face of sharks. Its screech to lighten earache. If they caught an alien monster, fishermen would return to the live images on the scene with the phone.

Picture 1 of Russia: Catching aliens in the sea

Monsters look a bit like sharks.(Photo: Pravda).

However, when scientists and UFO researchers came to the place, they were disappointed when they learned that the mysterious monster had been . slaughtered. Rostov fishermen seem to be very gloating, because 'have never been able to eat such delicious meat'.

Andrei Gorodovoi - President of the occult phenomena said: the creature that appeared on the video footage has never been recorded in any scientific or historical document. However, it is also difficult to assert that it is an alien creature, it cannot be considered a type of fishman.

'There are too many legends about the fish that live on the Azov Sea, but these are just paranoid stories and not recognized by the occult phenomena. On the other hand, we don't deny the possibility that the Azov undersea exists another form of life that humans have never known, '' said an UFO researcher.

Mr. Alexander Lipkovich - representative of Rostov provincial zoo - contacted world-renowned fishermen and asked them to study the case of 'alien' Azov.

According to Pravda , Dan Tri