Smart mug detects sexual stimulants

The cup that can change color when exposed to sexual stimulation will help women detect the dark intrigue of bad guys.

Picture 1 of Smart mug detects sexual stimulants
Finding sexual arousal in drinks is difficult, by part
They have no color, smell and taste. (Photo:

Drink Savvy - a beverage company in Boston, Massachusetts, USA - has invented a discolored material when exposed to aphrodisiac drinks, ABC reported.

Mike Abramson, the founder of the company, said he wanted to apply the new substance to the fabrication of a range of products that could detect stimulants - like cups and stirring spoons. He hopes those things will help users reduce the risk of rape or sexual abuse.

'In the past three years, three of my close friends have become victims of sexual stimulation , ' Abramson said.

Some aphrodisiacs - like GHB, Ketamine and Rohypnol - are odorless, colorless and tasteless. So most people cannot detect them if bad guys pour them into drinks.

According to Abramson's estimates, more than a million Americans become victims of sexual stimulation on annual drinks.

'My product will help people avoid the risk of sexual abuse for stimulants. They can also use my product to protect the people they love , 'Abramson said.

The goal of Drink Savvy is to donate $ 50,000 so they can start producing products that can detect aphrodisiacs. They posted information about the idea and called on people to sponsor on a website.