Solve this logic puzzle in 2 minutes, you are definitely a genius

This is a relatively easy puzzle, but requires you to have quick thinking and good reasoning ability.

Start the week with a puzzle showing this logic. This puzzle is relatively easy, but to solve quickly, it is not simple at all. If you do less than 5 minutes, you have a relatively good and quick brain. But if you do less than 2 minutes, you're a genius!

Puzzle information:

A car accident happened at night. The victim is a pedestrian crossing the street. The car after the accident had run straight, did not stop. The police after the field examination concluded that the car had gone at an extremely fast speed.

There were 6 witnesses who observed the accident. However, their testimony has too many contradictions, as follows:

  1. The car is green, the driver is male.
  2. The car moved very fast, but the car lights were not turned on.
  3. The car has a license plate, not too fast.
  4. It is a T-car, the light is not turned on.
  5. The car has no sea, the driver is female.
  6. It was a gray F car.

Eventually, the police also found the driver who caused the accident, and it turns out that only one of the witnesses provided the correct clue. The remaining 5 people, the information they provide is only partially true.

Based on the above information, please answer the following questions:

  1. What is a chauffeur-driven car company?
  2. The color of the car?
  3. The car goes fast or slow?
  4. Does the car have a license plate?
  5. Is the car light on?
  6. The driver is male or female?

That's all, think carefully before answering. To see how long you can do.

Picture 1 of Solve this logic puzzle in 2 minutes, you are definitely a genius
Who said wrong .

Thinking out yet? See the answer!


To solve this puzzle, you must remember that the clue given by the police is always accurate. That is, the car ran very fast, and that is the key to the problem.

The car ran fast, that is, "the car doesn't run fast" from the third person is wrong. From there, we learned that the car with this person's license plate is real.

Based on the exclusion method, we have:

  1. 5: The car has no sea (wrong) - The driver is female (Right).
  2. 1: The car is green (right) - Male driver (False).
  3. 6: Firm F car (True) - gray (False).
  4. 4: It is a T-car (False), the light is not turned on (Right).
  5. 2: The car moves very fast (Right), but the light is not turned on (Right).This is also the only witness that provides exactly both information.

So the answer is: A F car, green, runs very fast, has a number plate but does not turn on the light, the driver is female.