Space sunflowers help take photos of the stars more clearly

It looked like a blooming sunflower, but it was actually a space device of the US Aerospace Agency (NASA), developed to collect a clear picture of planets outside the Solar System ( also known as exoplanets). Experts hope this invention could revolutionize human understanding of alien planets.

Picture 1 of Space sunflowers help take photos of the stars more clearly

For more than 15 years, astronomers have uncovered countless exoplanets but capturing their images is considered an extremely difficult task. They argue that capturing the dim light of a star from another star billions of times brighter is like finding a needle in a pile of cosmic trash. To overcome this obstacle, researchers have developed "space sunflowers".

This special device has the ability to block the light of a large star, allowing space telescopes to have a clearer view of small planets that need research. When the light from the big star is shielded, the light from the rotating asteroids will be visible, allowing astronomers to capture their actual images.

By this technique, astronomers will be able to capture clearer images of exoplanets. These images can provide evidence that whether stars outside the Solar System support life. Dr. Stuart Shaklan, head of the project " developing sunflowers" , said the petal's prototype is currently being tested at NASA.