Species Dystrophy - The puzzling psychological phobia in modern times

Today's character is a woman from Norway who believes herself to be a cat trapped in a human body.

Just do a quick Google search for "psychological condition where human he is an animal" and you'll find a ton of different results and a wide range of links to various disorders. But perhaps the most likely outcome is that clinical Lycanthropy syndrome is perhaps the most representative syndrome for this condition.

It is defined as a rare psychotic disorder, which is a clinical psychotic syndrome associated with an illusion that the affected persons can transform or transform into a generally non-human animal. humans but usually wolves.

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Lycanthropy is derived from Ancient Greek, with lykos being wolf and anthropos being male.

However, upon a more thorough search, Google turned up another suggestion - Species Dysphoria. It is described as a psychological syndrome in which sufferers believe that their true selves are not human, but rather an animal. Psychologists describe people with this syndrome as "people who believe that they are a particular animal, or that an animal spirit has been incarnated in a human body". Species dystrophy can include: sensations of species-related phantom limbs, such as wings, claws, tails, etc., or sensations that the body is not one's own.

However, to better understand this syndrome, we can learn the story from the insiders themselves. Today's character is a woman named Nano, from Oslo in Norway, and it will probably take you quite a while to do a Google search for this character.

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This girl has always believed that she is a cat.

In a YouTube video, Nano claims that she herself possesses many of the characteristics of cats such as keen hearing, excellent eyesight and extremely hates water. She shows off her true identity by wearing a pair of cat ears, cat paw gloves, and an artificial tail. "I'm like a cat with meows," Nano shared.

Nano claims she first realized she was a cat when she was 16 years old. This is also the time when doctors and psychologists diagnosed her as "genetically defective". However, for Nano, it is proof of the "cat part" in her. "The confusion of nature made me born human," Nano said. "The psychiatrist thinks I can break the 'cat' habit, but I don't think so."

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Doctors thought she had a genetic defect.

And because of such eloquent statements, she was found by the American television program The Young Turks. As Nano passed through Oslo's central station, the reporter asked her to identify things she could see or hear that human senses could not.

Nano quickly focused on the sound of suitcases rolling on the ground, keys rattling in pockets and people with bandages under their shoes. According to the Norwegian woman, this enhanced hearing is one of the biggest advantages of being a cat. She also claims to have the ability to see at night. "I can see better in the dark than in daylight," she says. "I ran after animals a lot at night because I could see in the dark." However, Nano never caught a mouse, despite her best efforts.

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Although he believes he is a cat, Nano has never caught a mouse.

Nano believes that her unique personality and psychological features show that the cat part dominates the human side of her. She said she is more comfortable moving in a crawling position on her hands and knees than standing on two legs.

Her relationship with man's best friend is also not very good. She often hisses when she sees a dog and explains, "…it's cat behavior and my instinct is to automatically hiss." Her habits and mannerisms closely mirror those of cats. She confessed that she likes to sleep in the sink or on the windowsill. At one point, the reporter asked Nano if she was born in a body that wasn't right for her species, and Nano said that was absolutely true.

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Not only Nano, the guy Svein also thinks he is a cat.

However, Nano is not alone, she also has a friend named Svein, and it is known that this guy has many different personalities, one of which is a cat. While interviewing Svein, he revealed that the two of them usually communicate by saying "meow". To prove it, Nano gave a series of meows that were supposed to be "Come on, let's go", and Svein confirmed that he understood each of them.

"Suddenly I started meowing or she meowing, then we answered each other and communicated in cat sounds," he said. In the end, Nano said that living like a cat exhausts her, but has no intention of changing her innate qualities. "I believe that I will forever live like a cat."