Suddenly became a

The body of a Serbian man is suddenly able to suck all metal objects after surgery. It is known that the doctors used cardiac activation machines with high voltage to allow his heart to work again.

Mr. Sibin Ivanovic, 66, in a northern town of Jagodina Province, Serbia, discovered his body was able to attract metal objects when he felt his cell phone stick to his chest at the time. he is standing.

Picture 1 of Suddenly became a
Mr. Sibin Ivanovic with metal suction ability

Mr. Sibin then tried smoking metal knives and plates. These objects are all attached to him.

Sibin's heart had stopped beating after complications of surgery to treat stomach ulcers. But doctors said Sibin's health is recovering very well with the ability to absorb strange metals yet to be explained.

Speaking of his incredible ability, Mr. Sibim said: 'Doctors have not explained my phenomenon. But my body became 'magnet' since I was used by high-power cardiac surgeons to allow my heart to work again. '

"I hope my body will have the same attraction for . women, but maybe only if they wear a lot of jewelry on people," added Sibin.