Suddenly discovered a 'monster' black hole with an unusually slow rotation speed

Black holes have always been considered one of the most complex and mysterious entities to modern science .

Normally, black holes rotate very fast - close to the speed of light. But astronomers have noticed that a "monster" black hole rotates much slower than most smaller black holes.

This new discovery may reveal clues about how these supermassive black holes form. Located at the center of the quasar H1821+643 , about 3.4 billion light-years from Earth, this supermassive black hole has a mass between 3 billion and 30 billion times the mass of the Sun, and that's what makes it it becomes one of the most massive black holes scientists have ever discovered - For comparison, Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way is only about 4 million times the mass of the Sun. By analyzing data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, scientists calculated the speed of the spinning monster black hole.

Christopher Reynolds, an astronomer at the University of Cambridge and co-author of a descriptive study: "We found that the black hole at H1821+643 has a rotational speed of only half that of most other galaxies. Black holes are about one million to 10 million times more massive than the Sun."

Picture 1 of Suddenly discovered a 'monster' black hole with an unusually slow rotation speed
Simply put, a black hole is a strange phenomenon created by the compression of matter to its limit. In theory, any matter can be compressed to the limit, from atoms to planets, as long as the pressure is great enough, then it can become a black hole.

The team thinks the answer could help explain how supermassive black holes form. One leading theory is that supermassive black holes form from collisions between two smaller black holes. During violent mergers, black holes can undergo dramatic changes in spin as gravity pulls the black holes in different directions. This could cause the supermassive black hole to rotate more slowly. On the other hand, smaller (non-supermassive) black holes are thought to form when they accumulate matter from a disk of gas surrounding them, which will enter their rotation in a single direction and allow Black holes accelerate rapidly.

If this hypothesis is correct, younger supermassive black holes will typically have a slower rotation rate, while older supermassive black holes will have time to form a stable speed direction and will have faster speeds. . In general, there will be a wide range of rotation ratios found on supermassive black holes.

Determining the rotation speed of the supermassive black hole H1821 + 643 brings us one step closer to the answer, but scientists will need to study the rotation rates of the larger supermassive black holes to prove the point. this thought.

In the universe, the smallest black hole recorded has a mass three times that of our Sun. These black holes are formed by uncontrolled fusion inside massive stars as they die, causing a supernova explosion. The extreme pressure compresses the core material into the Schwarzschild radius by its own mass, thus becoming a black hole.

It is generally believed that a star 30 to 40 times more massive than the sun will directly turn into a black hole when it dies. In addition, cosmic black holes are also formed by the collision and accretion of massive bodies, which collapse and form black holes when they exceed the critical mass point. For example, through accretion, a neutron star with a mass exceeding the Oppenheimer limit would be compressed into a black hole.

Theoretically, the mass of a black hole lies above the singularity of the core and that singularity is infinitely small, so a black hole is understood as having infinitely small volume, infinite density, infinite curvature, and infinity. thermal term.

The curvature of a black hole is infinite, referring to the Schwarzschild radius, and its critical point is also known as the black hole event horizon. Here, curvature is the distortion of the surrounding space-time caused by mass, expressed as the force of gravity. In distant places, its gravity still obeys the law of universal gravitation, which is directly proportional to mass and inversely proportional to the square of distance, just like the gravity of any celestial body.

Since the gravitational force in the Schwarzschild radius of the black hole is infinite, any matter near the black hole will be "eaten", and there will be no way back, so the black hole will get bigger and bigger. . The largest black hole found in the universe is named SDSS J073739.96 + 384413.2, which has a mass 104 billion times that of the Sun.