Term 1: Scientific phenomena being studied

Since humanity appeared on the earth, spirituality, supernatural phenomena and magic fields have begun to develop.

Archaeologists, historians and anthropologists have discovered a lot of evidence of the invention and development of magic since humans also eat feathers in holes.

'Groping' to study spirituality

Some archaeologists and anthropologists believe that the Neantherdale people in ancient times were the most civilized. But subsequent discoveries show that like the Cromangnon people there are many highly evolving characteristics in the field of spiritual life, through ancient evidence from cliff drawings of worship services, and images. about colorful magic. Especially the dead are buried in rituals full of mysteries. And the devil arises more through their imagination. As for the gods, thunder, volcanoes, earthquakes are the causes that make them believe in the invisible power of the gods.

In fact, strange phenomena such as telepathy, souls, ghosts or spiritual healing . are always hot topics in public opinion. Public opinion polls in recent years show that about two-thirds of Americans believe that these phenomena are real! The psychology is reasonable when it is said that people often like to hear and believe in strange phenomena, 'super spirit', which is beyond cognitive ability. That's not really strange because the primitive 'look' also sees the gods and demons. For millions of years of evolution, that view has dived into the unconscious, into the 'heavenly' nature of everyone. The scientific study of spirituality began in 1882, when the Society for Spiritual Studies was established in England, with the collection of evidence, including press information.

Picture 1 of Term 1: Scientific phenomena being studied

Everyone knows that people are more civilized today, but there are still some deserted areas that are considered to be the ends of the earth, where some tribes still live the wild life like the previous age of the Stone Age. here. The strange thing is that many adventurers have crept into the remote areas to interact with humans that are considered primitive, they encounter many wonderful things that the witches have done.

Healing with 'faith'

The group of journalists of the famous Paris Match in France went into a place that is considered to be isolated from the human world in a remote island in the Pacific Ocean. On the way there was a journalist who fell while walking through a stream and broke his right leg and carried a stretcher. When the journalists arrived, they saw a man sitting silently, wearing a piece of animal skin on his body. The man signaled that the fake journalist with a broken bone lay down on a piece of bear skin, the two sides put two wooden flares in the fire, and then he raised his hand to the sky and chatted a few words, while waving and reading a bilingual period. strange then suddenly pointed at the broken bone and motioned to sit up.

Oddly enough, this journalist naturally no longer suffered and stood up naturally. The man after helping out to help the distressed journalist turned to the side, pointed to a rusting iron barrel as he said, "Please bring this thing out of here!" Then quietly go into a deep cave full of moss and tree roots covering .

The journalists looked closely at the iron box and saw that there was a faint word on the German military sign. Perhaps this object from a disoriented German plane fell during World War II and tribal people did not want to retain anything from the materialistic world outside. Their evasion has said that. The journalists could not find any people in the tribe, all hiding to avoid contact with the outside world. The caves are closed by large rocks.

The French journalists speculated that the man waiting for them was the chief of the tribe or the witch. The strange thing is that somehow, he knows that this journalist will come and there are people with broken leg in the group to prepare everything needed. In addition, the above method of fracture is clearly beyond the scientific treatment of modern medicine, but the results are completely successful.

According to many Professors at the French Academy of Sciences , non-medicinal aborigines, like in the Philippines, many surgeons have used the kind of psychic power to successfully solve surgeries. . Some people claim that they are descendants of those of the Kahyna tribe who have fallen into oblivion. They drew their souls into the universe with the immense sea, and were not bound by matter, so their minds were "bright" and easy to acquire the magical events of the spiritual realm in the natural universe. .