The 10 rarest snakes of the planet are about to be extinct

Before the invasion and destruction of habitats, rare snakes stood before the brink of extinction with a serious decline in the number of species.

Picture 1 of The 10 rarest snakes of the planet are about to be extinct
Wagneri green snake is the scientific name of a poisonous snake in northwestern Iran and eastern Turkey. Scientists say this species usually lives at altitudes higher than 1,500 m in the area of ​​rocks or grass. In 2008, some experts warned of the risk of Wagneri's extinction when the government planned to build a dam at their habitat. According to the survey, there are currently no more than 2,500 snakes maturing in the wild because many people have hunted them for pets. In August 2013, Louis Zoo researcher conducted a breeding program with 9 born wagneri snakes.

Picture 2 of The 10 rarest snakes of the planet are about to be extinct
The species Alcatrazes Lancehead has the scientific name Bothrops alcatraz. Some scientists have discovered their extinction risk on a small island off the coast of Brazil's southeastern coast. According to the report, the name of the snake originated from Ilha de Alcatrazes island with an area of ​​1.35km 2 , part of the Alcatrazes. Their venom is very dangerous and can cause death in a short time. Zoologists say the government is using the island for military purposes, threatening the habitat of this rare snake. Many organizations have conducted surveys to determine the exact number of species but they have not found results.

Picture 3 of The 10 rarest snakes of the planet are about to be extinct
Scientists have discovered a small rattlesnake known as Crotalus catalinensis on the island of Santa Catalina, Calif., USA. They said they tried to adapt to the desert environment by not making the sound of the bell tail, allowing it to hunt more easily. According to the forecast of world animal conservation organizations, the number of species is seriously reduced due to the increase of wild cats. In addition, criminals often hunt them, extract venom for the purpose of killing people. Some researchers also hypothesize to prove that scale is declining because they lack food sources. Many nature lovers are calling to raise money to open a program to reduce the number of wild cats on the island to preserve this snake.

Picture 4 of The 10 rarest snakes of the planet are about to be extinct
The snake, Alsophis antiguae, lives in the island nation of Antigua and Barbuda in the eastern Caribbean Sea. Previously, they concentrated in Antigua Island with lizard food. Due to the increase in the number of civets and black rats, the number of species has decreased significantly, at risk of disappearing from the planet. Protected area managers have moved them to Bird Island to maintain. Many scientists claim they have become extinct until a researcher discovered the existence of this species in the early 1990s. After the volunteers successfully destroyed the black mouse on the island, the number of snakes This increased to over 900 children.

Picture 5 of The 10 rarest snakes of the planet are about to be extinct
Vipera darevskii is an extremely poisonous snake, living in northwestern Armenia and inundated Turkey. Ilya Darevsky was one of the first to discover and name them. As people graze freely, devastating natural habitats, the number of solid Darevskii is declining. According to the survey, this snake stands before the brink of extinction with only about 500 individuals remaining in the wild. Their main food sources include lizards, rodents, and insects. Darevsky says they are hermaphrodites and often live on high mountains to absorb more heat from the sun.

Picture 6 of The 10 rarest snakes of the planet are about to be extinct
Short-nosed sea snakes on Australia's northwest coast are in red alert. Their scientific name is Aipysurus apraefrontalis. They usually live in Sahul, Ashmore and Hibernia reefs or sandy areas with sparse corals. Scientists say their lifespan can last 10 years. Although in 1990, the number of species was relatively large, but they declined rapidly in 2000 due to the government's implementation of a coral bleaching program.

Picture 7 of The 10 rarest snakes of the planet are about to be extinct
Casarea dussumieri lives on the circular island, the island nation of Mauritius, in the southwestern Indian Ocean. They are about 1.5 m long and dark brown on the back, lighter with dark spots on the abdomen. Scientists who discovered them also lived on Gunner's Quoin island. Although they determined that they had only 250 mature individuals in 1996, the number increased with about 1,000 individuals. The development of goats and rabbits makes their existence in danger. Several wildlife conservation agencies have conducted this snake breeding program.

Picture 8 of The 10 rarest snakes of the planet are about to be extinct
Crotalus unicolor is an endemic snake species of Aruba island, off the coast of Venezuela. This creature is usually gray or light brown with some diamond-shaped scales on the back. They usually work at night or in the early morning and cool in the summer. Scientists say the lifespan of the species may last for 20 years. Their main source of food is rodents, birds and lizards. They determined that only 230 individuals survived in the wild with about 100 animals living in protected areas or habitats of illegal hunters. The expansion of goat farming has a negative impact on the island's vegetation, further reducing the habitat of this species.

Picture 9 of The 10 rarest snakes of the planet are about to be extinct
Vipera Orlovi originates from the Black Sea region in Russia. This poisonous snake has a triangular head and strong venom teeth. Although their colors and patterns may vary for each individual, they are usually gray-brown, yellow-gray or brown and black curves. Their food sources include mice, lizards, frogs, frogs, insects. According to the survey, 250 mature individuals exist in nature with a living environment of about 100km 2 . Animal conservationists warn that if humans continue to use this poisonous snake as a pet, they will soon disappear completely on earth.

Picture 10 of The 10 rarest snakes of the planet are about to be extinct
St. Lucia Racer becomes the rarest snake in the world with a length of less than 1m, no venom, light brown body with dark brown stripes running from the neck to the tail. Scientists say they live in a tropical island in the Caribbean. Black rats and civets were the cause of their extinction in 1936. However, a local resident discovered they existed in 1973. Currently, only 18 individuals live on the island. Organizations are trying to mobilize programs to preserve the world's rarest snakes.