The 30 obvious facts are often misunderstood (1)

Today, with the development of science and technology, many mysteries in the past have been answered by humans. However, many times we are too engrossed in exploring new things and forget that there are still many misconceptions that still exist.

Here is a list of 30 things completely wrong that many people still think is correct, because VnReview translated from Bussiness Insider page:

1. The origin of diamonds

Most diamonds do not form from compressed coal. In fact, it is compressed and calcined carbon at a depth of 150 km below the Earth's surface, while coal is found at depth . only 3km.

2. Bats can't see

Picture 1 of The 30 obvious facts are often misunderstood (1)

However, bats are not blind! Although most bats use sound positioning to navigate, they have eyes and they can all be seen.

3. Very poisonous poinsettias

In fact the poinsettia will not kill you or your pet, although you should not eat them. This flower may cause some intestinal problems.

4. A deadly coin

Picture 2 of The 30 obvious facts are often misunderstood (1)

Dropping a coin from the top of the Empire State building will not kill a person. The maximum speed that a coin can reach is 80km / h, not fast enough to cause death.

5. Blonde and red hair color is about to disappear

The blond and redhead will not be "extinct". Gene cannot be lost. The recessive genes, such as the genes of red and yellow hair, can be passed from generation to generation without even showing their characteristic.

6. The dead still grow hair

Picture 3 of The 30 obvious facts are often misunderstood (1)

Hair and nails do not continue long sections when someone dies. The fact is that after the body dies, the scalp shrinks, making us feel like they have grown.

7. Guess the disease through the nose

The color of the nose does not tell you whether you are infected with a virus or a virus - It can be from yellow to green, depending on whether you are sick or light.

8. Pure water conductive well

Picture 4 of The 30 obvious facts are often misunderstood (1)

Pure water does not conduct electricity well. The reason for being shocked when standing in an electrified water is because it contains minerals, dirt or other conductors.

9. Frogs cause warts in humans

Frogs and frogs don't make you acne, but shaking hands with people with acne is possible !!! Papilloma virus causes us to grow acne, but it only exists in humans.

10. Ostrich's escape

Picture 5 of The 30 obvious facts are often misunderstood (1)

Ostrich does not plug the head into the sand when in danger. In fact, when feeling threatened, this big bird will lie on the ground and . fake death.

11. Color of human blood

Human blood is never green but only dark red when not containing oxygen. Looking from the outside into the blood vessels is green because you see it through your skin.

12. Children and roads

Picture 6 of The 30 obvious facts are often misunderstood (1)

Feeding children sugar does not make them hyperactive. Experiments show that children who eat sugar are still as active as eating candy or drinking soft drinks.

13. Stand an egg on Spring day

You can make an egg stand on any day of the year, not just Spring. This only depends on your ingenuity and the texture of the eggshell.

14. Hand joint cramps cause arthritis

Picture 7 of The 30 obvious facts are often misunderstood (1)

Broken knuckles can disturb people around, but definitely can't make arthritis. The causes of osteoarthritis only include age, injury, obesity and genetics.

15. Stress causes high blood pressure

Stress is not the main cause of chronic hypertension. Stress may temporarily increase blood pressure, but it is not generally the main cause of high blood pressure. Factors such as genetics, smoking or eating lack of science are significant causes of this disease.