The 5 most powerful non-nuclear explosives in the world

TNT, TATP, RDX are three of the most destructive conventional explosives created in human history.


Explosives we commonly know are trinitrotoluene, or TNT. This type of yellow solid was first produced as a dye in 1863, according to Science Alert.

Unlike nitroglycerin, which can explode on impact, TNT is very "blow", can throw freely, even melt and pour into containers. It only detonates when there is a primer, creating a great destructive power when the nitro groups in the molecule quickly turn into nitrogen gas. TNT's explosive properties were discovered by Carl Häussermann, a German chemist in 1891.

Picture 1 of The 5 most powerful non-nuclear explosives in the world

TNT is an ideal explosive for use in controlled construction demolition. People also use TNT as a standard unit for bombs. Explosive levels of other chemicals are also often compared with TNT.


TATP chemical belongs to a group of peroxide molecules, containing oxygen bonds - oxygen is weak, unstable, and not in TNT. This means that TATP is less stable and easy to explode.

The type of TATP explosive known as "Devil's Mother" , can be made from materials and chemicals purchased from pharmacies. TATP's power is about 80% stronger than TNT. Just one hit or strong knock is enough to trigger the explosion.

TATP is noticed by the media because it is easy to make and is often present in homemade explosive devices (IEDs) in many terrorist attacks such as the London, British bombings, on July 7, 2005 or the massacre in Paris in 2015.


RDX is a "nitrogen explosive" , the explosive nature of RDX comes from the presence of many nitrogen-nitrogen bonds, not oxygen bonds like TATP. Nitrogen atoms always want to bind together to form nitrogen gas with a stable triple bond, so RDX is extremely unstable.

RDX is often mixed with other chemicals to make it less sensitive and unlikely to explode unexpectedly. People also use RDX to destroy controlled buildings or destroy mines.


One of the strongest explosives is PETN, which contains nitroglycerin and more nitro groups than TNT. PETN is hard to explode so people often combine it with TNT or RDX. Currently, this type of explosive is often present in detonators of nuclear weapons.

Aziroazide azide

Picture 2 of The 5 most powerful non-nuclear explosives in the world

Aziroazide azide is one of the most dangerous explosives, very unstable with 14 loosely bound nitrogen atoms. It may explode when someone touches or tries to hold it up. Nitrogen-nitrogen bonds are quickly broken down to form nitrogen gas molecules. The reaction emits a large amount of heat.