The impenetrable gold tunnels in the world

The solidity of the world's largest gold vaults is enough to smash every thief's intentions.

Picture 1 of The impenetrable gold tunnels in the world
Fort Knox, USA .Launched in 1937, Fort Knox is considered one of the safest gold reserves in the world, according to Metal Floss.The US government spent $ 560,000 to build the cellar as a place to store 5,000 gold bars.(Photo: David Pride).

Picture 2 of The impenetrable gold tunnels in the world
The basement is made of 5,000 m3 of granite, nearly 4,000 m3 of concrete, 750 tons of reinforced steel and 670 tons of structural steel.The basement is protected by a door weighing 22 tons.Outside the cellar there are four fences, two of which are electric fences.In addition, Fort Knox Tunnel is also protected by a standard alarm system and CCTV combined with 30,000 armed soldiers and a patrol helicopter.The door of the cellar only opens when gathering enough key holders.(Photo: 9gag).

Picture 3 of The impenetrable gold tunnels in the world
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York stores about 25% of the world's gold with a value of up to 270 billion USD.(Photo: Wikimedia).

Picture 4 of The impenetrable gold tunnels in the world
The basement is located about 25 m underground and is surrounded by solid stone blocks.Security forces guarding the cellar are the marksmen.In addition, the cellar is protected by a 90-ton steel door.(Photos: Pinterest).

Picture 5 of The impenetrable gold tunnels in the world
Gold Bank of the Bank of England .This is the largest gold mine in the UK and the second largest in the world.It houses more than 5,152 tons of gold.(Photos: Pinterest).

Picture 6 of The impenetrable gold tunnels in the world
The basement is protected by bomb-proof doors with a voice recognition lock system.In addition, the sub-key of the cellar is nearly a meter long and cannot be copied.The bank did not announce the weight of the tunnel or the depth of the tunnel.The total floor area of ​​the basement is larger than the London Tower.(Photo: The Independent).

Picture 7 of The impenetrable gold tunnels in the world
Svalbard, Norway seed tunnel .In addition to gold, solid tunnels are also used to store other valuable assets.Svalbard seed bunker is located at a depth of nearly 120 meters below a mountain in Northern Europe, containing more than 500,000 seeds of plants in the world.(Photo: Wikimedia).

Picture 8 of The impenetrable gold tunnels in the world
The basement is protected by thousands of kilometers of sea and white polar bears.The location deep in the ground helps the cellar to resist nuclear explosions and serious earthquakes.Svalbard is 130 meters above sea level and separated from the outside by 4 layers of heavy steel doors.(Photo: Flickr).