The largest animals that lived in the desert, still exist today
Deserts are extremely dry and are some of the harshest habitats on the planet. It is estimated that around 33% of the Earth's surface is desert and while most people think of deserts as barren wastelands, you can find a wide variety of wildlife and plants that have adapted to living in these dry regions.
1. Bighorn sheep
Native to North America, the bighorn sheep is a species that lives in rocky mountain regions. Bighorn sheep can be found in the Mojave, Sonoran, Chihuahuan, and Great Basin deserts, which are the four major desert landscapes in North America.
Scientifically known as Ovis canadensis nelsoni, they are animals that have evolved to adapt and survive in extreme temperatures with a body that can withstand the temperature changes between day and night of the desert. They can also survive with little water and can absorb the maximum amount of water through food. Bighorn sheep can lose up to 30% of their body water and drinking water will help them recover quickly.
These animals are excellent climbers, and their hooves allow them excellent traction and balance. They can stand on ledges as small as 2 inches high, which is useful in escaping predators such as coyotes, wolves, and cougars.
2. Gobi Bear
The Gobi bear (Ursus arctos gobiensis) is the only bear that can withstand the extreme heat of the desert. The Gobi bear is a subspecies of the brown bear and is native to western Mongolia in the Gobi Desert. Listed as critically endangered, the Gobi bear is one of the rarest bears on the planet. It is the only bear known to make the desert its home, and there are an estimated 51 individuals left in the wild.
The Gobi Bear is a small brown bear that has adapted to living in the mountains and flat deserts. It is omnivorous, eating berries, wild onions, rodents, insects, and vegetation that it finds. The Gobi Bear is primarily a herbivore, with only 1% meat in its diet. The bear's body is efficient at storing fat and water.
Climate change in the Gobi Desert and environmental destruction from mining are the main causes of the decline in Gobi bear numbers. There are currently no captive populations of Gobi bears, and only a small number remain in the wild.
3. Ostrich
The ostrich is the largest bird in the world and is flightless due to its size. It has extremely powerful hind legs and can run up to 43 miles (70 km) per hour. There are two species of ostriches in the world, the common ostrich (Struthio camelus) and the Somali ostrich (Struthio molybdophanes). The common ostrich is the larger of the two and is also more commonly found in desert habitats. The common ostrich is native to Africa and lives in the savanna and desert regions of the continent.
Male ostriches are usually larger than females. The legs of these large birds are very powerful, allowing them to cover 3 to 5 meters in space. They have only two toes, which helps them achieve greater speed. Ostriches have large wings but cannot fly and use them to balance themselves when moving at high speeds.
Ostriches are omnivores, but most of their diet is plant-based. They eat things like roots, seeds, leaves, and fruits, as well as lizards, insects, and snakes. Despite their relatively simple diet, these animals can kill larger animals. They have powerful legs with sharp claws that can cause fatal injuries and lacerations. These large birds live in small flocks of 10 or more, and can sometimes grow to 100.
4. Kalahari Lion
Lions are among the largest cats in the world and are very adaptable. Native to Africa, lions live in savannas, grasslands, scrublands, open plains, and occasionally forests. In Africa, you can find several subspecies of desert lions living in the Sahara, Namib, and Kalahari deserts. Although lions are not always found in deserts, they are some of the largest animals that can live there.
Desert lions also have slightly longer legs than other subspecies, which helps them travel longer distances. Because deserts lack water, desert lions can also go long periods without drinking water and can absorb water from the blood in their food.
5. Trick
Wild donkeys are hardy animals that can survive in the extremely dry climates of deserts. Donkeys live in many types of deserts across North America, but they are originally from North Africa. Not only are donkeys one of the largest desert animals, they are also one of the best adapted to this environment. They have large ears that help dissipate heat, and their gray fur helps reflect the harsh sunlight.
Donkeys can also go long periods without water and can lose 30% of their body water without serious consequences. It is estimated that they can go about a week without water. Wild donkeys vary greatly in size, with the largest weighing up to 260 kg. The strength of a donkey allows it to carry up to 60 kg of cargo on its back.
6. Camel
Camels are one of the first animals that come to mind when people think of deserts, and they are also one of the largest animals that live in this dry environment. There are two species of camel, the Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) and the Dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius). The most common camel is the Dromedary, making up about 90% of the camels on Earth. The Bactrian camel, while rare, is heavier and is found in the Gobi Desert.
Camels have been domesticated since they adapted to live in harsh desert environments and can travel long distances without water. Most people think that camels' humps are used to store water, but they are actually used to store fat. Storing fat helps them survive when food is scarce, which is common in deserts. Camels store water in their blood and can go without drinking for 15 days.
7. Desert Rhino
The desert rhinoceros is a subspecies of the black rhinoceros that has adapted to living in the desert. This subspecies has slightly different adaptations and lifestyles to help it survive in the desert environment. Desert rhinos can go 2 to 3 days without water and are usually nocturnal to avoid the heat of the Sun. They are dark and grey in color, reflecting light.
Desert rhinos are extremely mobile and can survive in a wide range of habitats. The decline in rhino populations worldwide is due to hunting and poaching for their horns. The black rhino, along with the Javan and Sumatran rhinos, are considered critically endangered. Desert rhinos are extremely large and spend much of their time foraging for food and water.
8. Giraffe
The giraffe is the tallest living land animal on our planet, and is also one of the heaviest animals to live in the desert. Giraffes are native to Africa, and the desert is just one of the environments they inhabit. Open woodlands, grasslands, and savannas are some of the other habitats that giraffes inhabit, with their range spanning across sub-Saharan Africa.
There are four species of giraffes, the Masai giraffe, the northern giraffe, the reticulated giraffe, and the southern giraffe. The Masai giraffe is the largest of them and is also the one that lives in semi-desert regions.
9. African bush elephant
Of all the desert animals in the world, the African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana) is the largest. It is also the largest land animal still alive today. The African bush elephant also has the longest gestation period of any animal, with females carrying their babies for 22 months.
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