The way of survival is the 'cunning plot' of animals

Crazy, farting, imitating cries . are "tricks" that these animals use to catch prey and flee enemies.

In the natural world, every creature must face a survival war in every minute. To survive, develop and maintain the race, every animal has its own weapons - species with power, species with speed, venom . Besides, there are animals that do not run too fast but possessing many stratagems and creating sophisticated traps no less than Zhuge Liang .

1. Crazy

In the biological world, rabbits are one of the fastest-running species. However, they are innocent victims of a "master" who set a trap: a hamster.

Incense rats are a moderate-sized carnivore. Scientifically, they are slower and if hunting rabbits fairly, this species is never successful. But everything can happen with their extremely sophisticated trap.

Picture 1 of The way of survival is the 'cunning plot' of animals
Portrait of crafty predators .

In order to catch the prey, the hamster sought to "go crazy". When he discovered the remote rabbit, the hamster rolled over, twitching, dancing continuously like a burned animal, or a crazy pet. The strange action of the hamster attracted the attention of the rabbits, making them mistaken and caught off guard against the poor animal in front of them.

Picture 2 of The way of survival is the 'cunning plot' of animals
. and ill-fated victims.

The rabbit didn't expect it when she was crazy, the mouse came close to it all the time. As a result, the mouse mouse jumped up and struck a fatal blow to the poor prey.

2. Farting

For humans, deflated is a natural reaction of the body and somewhat . impolite. But with the herring, few people know that this is an extremely effective survival weapon on the ocean floor.

Picture 3 of The way of survival is the 'cunning plot' of animals
The fish herring thousands of children communicate by . farting.

Like many other small fish, to avoid being a good prey of the other, herring often swim into large flocks. However, a question arises as to how the fish are coordinated to eat without eating a chaotic, crashing into each other. The answer is in the farting ability of herring.

Picture 4 of The way of survival is the 'cunning plot' of animals
Water bubbles left behind by herring.

Farting is the way that herring communicates and coordinates with others. But they use only the sound that the deflated sounds do not use the unpleasant smell emanating from the anus.

For farting, herring will swallow the surrounding air and store it at your bubble. When it was dark, they farted through the anus to help the same type identify their position. Each individual species has a special anal structure so no one has the same farting sound.

3. Imitate the cry

Parrots are animals that imitate a very good cry. But if compared to the lush oatmeal in the Kalahari desert, they are still far from using the sound of imitation to hunt.

The Meerkat is a swarm of weasels that live in swarms in the harsh Kalahari desert. They live, hunt in the herd and are a competitor to the food with the paddle here. To survive, paddling has 'invented' a mischievous technique, helping them to have free meals.

Picture 5 of The way of survival is the 'cunning plot' of animals
Meerkat (left) is a victim of rowing (right).

It is often lurking when the Meerkat herds feed. When you see the whole herd hunting, the paddle will fly to the sky and fake the cry of the falcon - the most feared enemy of Meerkat.

Scientists discovered that, with that cry, almost immediately the Meerkat fled away, throwing away the lucrative, prey that was barely eaten. And that is the free meal for the rowing in Kalahari.

Picture 6 of The way of survival is the 'cunning plot' of animals
Poor - expert "foreign language" in the animal kingdom.

In fact, deserting is not the only expert in this. In the dense forests of South America, experts have also recorded many cases of Margay wild cats mimicking the sounds of young monkeys, lureing monkeys down to eat meat.

4. "Cosplay" mask

Camouflage is one of the most popular survival weapons, but it makes itself a mask to scare the enemy, not many animals can match the Amazon jungle spider .

Biologist Phil Torres on an Peruvian expedition accidentally discovered this spider. According to the scientific community, this is a new species in the Cyclosa spider genus, including quite a number of species capable of 'sculpture'.

Picture 7 of The way of survival is the 'cunning plot' of animals

However, the special feature of this spider is that they create a version of themselves but at a much larger size. The fake spider is made up of garbage and small prey.

Picture 8 of The way of survival is the 'cunning plot' of animals
The mask is sophisticated and extremely scary.

According to Phil Torres, creating a fake version of 'is a rare development in animals'. It is said that many of this mask of the Amazon forest spider has the effect of intimidating their enemies, enhancing the survival ability for large animals not exceeding 0.5cm.