The world's oldest seagull bird spawns at age 62

The age of Wisdom albatross is 62 years, in the wild, the bird usually lives up to 15-20 years.

Picture 1 of The world's oldest seagull bird spawns at age 62
The Alaskan seagull

The roof-gull albatross ("Wisdom"), considered the oldest bird on the planet, spawns six years in a row, despite its respectable age, Discovery News TV said.

He often gives birth and flies to the Pacific every year, Bruce Piterdzhon, NABBP North American Bird Program Manager, told reporters.

Scientists believe that Wisdom's age is 62 years, in the wild, it usually lives up to 15-20 years.

For the first time this seagull was discovered and worn by biologist Chandler Robbins in 1956, when the birds hatched eggs on a Pacific island. At that time, the bird was at least 5 years old.

According to scientists, seagulls lay their eggs and hatch more than 30 young birds in their lives.