Types of mysterious languages ​​in the world

There are a number of languages ​​in the world today that are only spoken and understood by a few people who know about them. These special languages ​​are used by a group of people.


Picture 1 of Types of mysterious languages ​​in the world
This is the language that is only spoken by members of Bolivia's Kallawaya tribe.

Kallawaya is a language that is only spoken by members of the Kallawaya tribe in Bolivia. The Kallawaya live mainly in six villages in the Apololamba region (Bolivia) and the traditional villages here use this language for healing purposes, although they can also use this language to communicate. daily.

Kallawaya, which comes from the Quechua language, is often spoken by the Incas. Quechua is not expressed in written form but is transmitted through word of mouth from father to child, or from yang steps to his students. Children are not allowed to learn Kallawaya but it is only for teenagers and adults who want to learn this language for medical practice. The Kallawaya is gradually disappearing and there are no more than 100 living people speaking.

Female letter

Picture 2 of Types of mysterious languages ​​in the world
This is a language only for women to use in China.

The letter is often understood as "women's writing" , this is a language only for women to use in China. This strange language originated in the 15th century BC (BC) in Giang Vinh district, Vinh Chau town (Hunan province), in this locality the woman - often banned from school - had self think and create a writing style and use it secretly in their circles. This language was kept private and only revealed to the Western world in the 1980s.

Some of the writing in Nu Thu comes from Chinese, while others are invented. Like Chinese, the Female Letter is written and read from top to bottom and from right to left. But unlike Chinese, the words female letter often take up less space and create more words. The elderly speaks feminine language is Duong Hoan Nghi but died in 94 or 98 years old in 2004.


Picture 3 of Types of mysterious languages ​​in the world
Prisoners in Argentina use Lunfardo as a means of secrecy between them.

Prisoners in Argentina use Lunfardo as a means of secrecy between them. First, this language was used by downstream residents in Buenos Aires, which included words from the language of Spanish or Italian. Lunfardo language has more than 5000 words and one of the pillars of this language is verses - how to convert the syllables of a word.

For example Cafe will be pronounced as feca. The Lunfardo is very popular in Europe because of the prosperity of Tango music, representing it as a violent and sexual language. In 1943, tango music using Lunfardo was banned by ethics. The use of this language declined in the 1950s and returned in the 1960s.

Wrestling slang

Picture 4 of Types of mysterious languages ​​in the world
This language originated from a professional profession, used a separate means of communication during public martial arts matches.

Professional wrestlers use Carnie (Carny) to talk between them, even when they are standing in front of the audience. This language originated from a professional profession, when festival workers (called carnies) used a separate means of communication during public martial arts matches. This language aims to target wrestlers' physique from specific angles.

In addition, they also use the term "bat match" which often implies poor, less interesting matches; or "crush" refers to a wrestler defeated by a group of wrestlers.


Picture 5 of Types of mysterious languages ​​in the world
This is an unofficial language in Boonville (California).

Boontling is the name of an unofficial language in Boonville (California), which was spoken between 1880 and 1920. It is a blending language of Native American languages, Spanish and slang words created by locals.

The only Boontling that exists in Boonville is because locals are afraid if this language is spread outside their community, it will be reprocessed by others because they are formed from the name and characteristics of the inhabitants here. The art of using Boontling language seems to be very complicated and often due to the feelings of the speaker.