Unexpected facts about animals may not be known to you

With the immense diversity of the natural world, many of us may be surprised with the things about the creatures around us. Here is a list of 10 facts about animals that you may never have heard of before.

Blood insects

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Called blood but actually they are called hemolymphs, appearing 500 to 600 million years ago when humans were insects that shared an ancestor. Hemolymph contains copper, not iron, as in human blood, so it should be blue or green when oxidized.

Hemolymph does not function to transport oxygen because the respiratory process through the skin of insects helps them absorb enough oxygen. This means they have a much simpler recirculation system. The heart of an insect beats much slower than a human, and they may even fall into a state of "sleep" to maintain energy.

The 'flexible' fur of mole rats

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Each hair on the mole's body is placed in a fluid bag, allowing them to navigate in any direction. It was a great adaptation when the mole living in the cave dug up to their full size and they had a way of moving in the cave to crawl in and back out. The coat with the aerodynamic ability changes in any direction, making their life much easier.

Birds will die in space

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You may have heard that birds can still survive in a zero gravity environment. But the reality is not so.

The most important reason why birds cannot survive in space is because most birds cannot swallow food. Birds are animals that swallow food so they need gravity to put food down their throat and . That's why you see them having to dip their beaks into the water and lift their heads up to let them run down. If we take them to the ISS space station, they will definitely die from dehydration.

A number of pigeons were brought to Vomit Comet, a flight-carrying aircraft that is a parabolic curve to simulate the gravityless phenomenon for a short period of time. The pigeons could not eat food and drink water because everything was 'messy'.

He (butterfly) possesses weapons against bats

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Bats are one of the best hunters in the animal world and so if a night insect unfortunately flies in front of bats, it means they have received the death penalty. However, the problem of bats also lies in their hunting and movement methods based on echolocation (sonar). The target also knew the enemy was approaching as soon as the enemy had just used the sonar method, just like in all the submarine movies we've ever seen.

Many moths use this way to defend themselves with their favorite tactics of truce. The moth is a tiger who defends himself by using counterrevolutionary measures. Nearly the moment of the attack they will emit a series of clicks to break the bat's sonar, causing the bat to miss its target by 80% according to a recent study.

The axolotl has never grown

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Axolotl is a salamander-like animal with outer gills, fluttering like bristling hairs around the head. They live completely under water for a lifetime of 10 to 15 years. The strange thing about this species is that they retain characteristics from the larval stage during adulthood.

Unfortunately, the native habitat of axolotl is the waters around Mexico City. Pollution, predatory fishes, and themselves are delicacies on the menus, causing the number of axolotl individuals to decline rapidly. Now they exist in the aquarium more than in nature. Looking at the image above does not know what readers are about Axolotl. Do they look adorable or ugly?

Owl species are not smart

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The owl has a pretty silly look. And the truth is they are not smart at all. Their eyes are big but their brains are not that big. With small skulls there is very little space for the brain, while they have to handle a huge amount of image data, so thoughtless owls are not sensitive. If you need to train owl species to do the simplest tasks, this is unbelievable. Gary Gero, a owl trainer who joined the production of the Harry Potter film, said that if anyone thinks that the owl is very smart, then they have never raised them.

Algae "killing" Taxifolia

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Taxifolia is a powerful seaweed species that produces a poison that makes other marine creatures unable to eat them. Therefore, when released into a suitable environment they can reproduce very quickly and disrupt ecosystem balance. It is called "Algae killing", and was included in the "List of 100 worst invasive alien species in the world" by the World Conservation Association.

How this algae entered the Atlantic Ocean is still a hot topic. Some studies suggest that their occurrence may even be positive but the actual survey proved otherwise when quite a few native species cannot coexist with the algae.

The Hoatzin bird has 'hands'

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The hoatzin is really a bird that looks pretty 'broached' but the human being attacks them can release a horrible stench. There are a few birds when hatching their claws on their wings, but hoatzin has claws on their wings and legs for another purpose.

Young birds are very active and use claws on each wing to grip when moving on trees. If they fall into the water, they can swim well. In fact, the only thing they are not good at is flying. Young birds have to wait a few months for complete development to be able to fly and when they grow up they are extremely clumsy clumsy when taking off.

Jumping spiders have extremely sophisticated eyes

Spiders hunt for food by snapping and waiting, but in the case of jumping spiders it doesn't. They hunt purely by large pairs of four eyes to locate prey and excellent jumping ability to grab prey. Only in the last few years have scientists begun to understand the eyes of the species. How jumping spiders work. The two main eyes have an incredibly complex structure. Although lense is fixed, they can achieve extremely good vision by retinal movement. These retinas are made up of layers of cells that are extremely sensitive to light.

An image that is in the focus of a class will be outside the focus of another layer directly above. So by comparing the sharp image with the blurry image, the spider can evaluate the distance quite accurately. This method has been applied by a Japanese company to include a concept camera model capable of creating 3D images with a single lens.

Siphonophores make it difficult for scientists

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The discovery of Siphonophore aroused questions about what a specific organism consists of? They are also nicknamed Portuguese boats and are often confused with jellyfish. Other famous species also have praya dubia, one of the longest known human beings with a length of up to 50-60 meters, and a creature recently discovered belonging to the genus Erenna can produce emitters. Extremely rare red bio-optics.

A Siphonophore is not a solitary organism, but a population that gathers many small individuals called zooids, each zooid has its own tasks (such as self-defense, reproduction, eating .) to contribute. into the whole population. They must rely on each other to perform all survival functions. Though all of them can be separated from the population, the entire siphonophore still grows from an independent egg.

So they are a creature or a lot of creatures. The clear answer to this problem still makes it difficult for scientists. From a distance they look like an independent creature, but if you look closely you can be made up of many different parts. Because they are located just above the boundary between an independent body and a complex multicellular organism, siphonophore can hold many extremely important scientific clues about evolution.