Why can crocodiles 'meat' enemies even when sleeping?

Crocodile is a reptile living underwater. Thanks to their large size, strong jaws, they are one of the most feared predators on Earth.

Besides scary hunting skills, alligators also possess sharp eyes with the secrets that scientists have just discovered.

Picture 1 of Why can crocodiles 'meat' enemies even when sleeping?
Crocodile can sleep one eye closed, one eye open.

Crocodiles are known to be the best predators in their habitat. Some crocodiles dare to attack and kill lions, large ungulates and even sharks.

Beside the deadly power and cold appearance, crocodile also possesses a kind of "weapon" that can kill other species even when sleeping .

In a recent study by Australian scientists, crocodiles can sleep one eye closed, one eye open.

Writing in the Journal of Experimental Biology, the researchers said that when sleeping, one brain hemisphere of the crocodile "sleeps" and the other hemisphere "awakens" to the realm. Scientists call this phenomenon "half-brain sleep".

That is why we often see alligators often have the state of "one eye closed, one eye open". To get this conclusion, scientists have to regularly monitor the alligator day and night.

Along with crocodiles, there are many other animals that sleep in the same state, including: A number of birds, dolphins, walruses and other reptiles.