Why do pandas like to listen to love songs when doing 'sex'?

Scientists from China and the US have just published interesting findings from a study of today's mating rituals of pandas and the results are extraordinary and very romantic.

Research conducted over two years, it was found that giant pandas mate best and can only mate when partners sing to them a love song before sex.

These love songs are even whispered into the soft ears of pandas during intercourse, which is extremely romantic.

Picture 1 of Why do pandas like to listen to love songs when doing 'sex'?
Giant pandas can only mate when partners sing to them a love song before sex.

The study surveyed 23 adult pandas during the breeding seasons of 2016 and 2018 in Sichuan, China. The scientists' findings were later published in the journal Royal Society Open Science.

The scientists focused on adult bears, wishing to mate. They localize them in the fence and 'introduce' their mates to them and conduct remote observations.

The audio recordings described in the study were "beeps, chirps, whines, barks and roars". There are times when recorded sounds indicate that sexual intercourse is about to become a violent act and may leave one of the raccoons with severe or even life-threatening injuries.

As a result, the study recommends that pet carers be trained to recognize the different types of raccoons' vocal voices to predict whether their copulation will succeed or be likely to fail. . At the same time, this is a valuable reference tool for panda breeding programs.

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