Why is weak molting snake extremely weak?

With, even if the type of tiny snake or giant tiger venom dead, all must undergo shedding (skin change) on average 4 to 8 times per year. So why must snake molting?

Picture 1 of Why is weak molting snake extremely weak?

The hot season is often more solid season than the cold season because snakes are hibernating animals.

Snake molting to replace the old skin has been worn out and there is not enough tension to wrap its growing body. This is how they remove parasites on dry skin.

Before making molting, snakes often fast, find a place with a rough surface, discreetly secure and converge the appropriate elements of temperature and humidity to prepare for the hard time. .

Molting snakes usually take several days. Cracks to sneak away from the old skin appear in the mouth. The snake uses all its strength and leans against the rough surface of the snake's place to escape the old skin.

The molting process makes the snake become weak against the enemy because of exhaustion and the skin is too young. The journey of maturing of snakes is also not easy, is it?