1001 Chinese Emperor's rules of lovemaking: Unexpected stories!

Stories of profound Chinese mysteries have always been a fascinating topic for anyone. Even the 'pillow' of the Emperor must follow very strict rules. This article will suggest part of the extremely principle sex life of ancient Chinese kings.

The polygamy of the Emperor originated from ancient times

We all know that besides the emperors there are always hundreds to thousands of different female bands and this is completely allowed under Chinese feudalism, because of the strong belief that more and more lovers around the time the royal life will be extended . Legend has it that, the first emperor of China, the ancestor of the Han lineage today, used to meet with thousands of virgin girls - a job contrary to the moral custom of that time. .

By the Sui Dynasty, the last king of the dynasty at that time was Sui De De (581-618) who once had a queen, 2 Thai phi, 6 concubine, 72 grandma and more than 3,000 palace servants, nevertheless, that was not enough to satisfy this "wild" Emperor's desire. According to a historian in the court, Sui De De often kidnaps underage teenagers and places it in a specially built chair, with a beautiful name as a "virgin chair". As soon as sitting on this chair, the keychains will be released to bind the poor girl's limbs, and the bottom pad will be raised just enough so that the Emperor can easily give out "dense". grace " for that girl.

With such a large amount and intensity, the arrangement of the Emperor's "room" of living schedule is considered an important task, in order to guarantee the nation's head. This process under the Qing dynasty was carried out by a separate agency called the Glass of Room . The agency is under the administration of the Interior Department, specialized in recording and managing the king's palace supply.

For that reason, the first calendar meters were invented by the Chinese in the 10th century, although they were not used for the main purpose of tracking time. Instead, they used these watches to schedule, determine the frequency as well as the timetable for the female palace to enter the royal court. The eunuch will be in charge of looking after and marking the timetable each time the emperor impregnated with imperial red ink of the court.

Manage women's supply system by hierarchy

In order to manage the supply frequency of the maids of lowering royal dignity, a hierarchical sorting system was built to facilitate management. Under the Tang Dynasty, this system was divided into 8 different levels that were identical to those of great ministers, with the Queen being considered the highest level after the emperor. The other elementalists will in turn be listed according to their position and role:

Under the Tang Dynasty, this system was divided into 8 different levels that were identical to those of great ministers, with the Queen being considered the highest level after the emperor.

The best is the lady, including: Quy Phi, Thuc phi, Duc phi, Hien phi. The main products include the frequency: Comfort, Reconciliation, Love, Consciousness, Consciousness, Love, Confidence, Confession, Love. The three main products include the Czechoslovakia, the main quadruple consisting of the Beauty, the Five-product Major with the 3-level Talent, each level of 9 people united and called the second-generation cross. The main product consists of Bao Lam, The main product is Ngu female, The main product is Thai female consisting of three levels, each level has 27 companions called the best cross.

With a level of this level, there will be remuneration as well as different benefits. The time when the beauties have the opportunity to meet the Emperor will also rely on a special measure: that is the moon. In the old days, for Chinese culture as well as for other Asian countries' cultures, the age of people was not calculated from birth, but was calculated from when the mother began to detect signs of pregnancy. . And according to the conception of the feudal Chinese court, the most appropriate time for a woman to conceive is the moonlit night, the brightest, because then the girl's temperament will reach a certain level to just in harmony with the Emperor's temperament. At this time, the fetus is supposed to gather the best qualities of a future monarch.

It is for this reason that the queen and other close relatives will often be favored and serviced by the king on the most full moon nights. As for other frequency bands, the Emperor will be represented in turn on the remaining days of the month, in linear order, with the aim of simply using his gas to nurture the positive part of the body. Emperor. This arrangement is scheduled before the 15th of each month, and follows the hierarchy. This means that from day 1 to the full moon night of the 15th day, the frequency bands from the main level to the queen will alternate "township" with the king and after the 15th day, this order will be reversed. backwards.

Picture 1 of 1001 Chinese Emperor's rules of lovemaking: Unexpected stories!

This is meticulously recorded in the Sutra of the Zhou Dynasty (1120-256 BCE), in the passage that says: "A lower-ranked woman will be given priority first. to the princesses and the queen, the total number of 81 palace was arranged with the king for 9 consecutive days, each day, a group of 9 people came in. Next to 9 cards and 3 deeds will be royal the grace of grace in the group for one night, the new queen finally comes in. This process will end on the full moon night of the 15th day of the month, after this night all will be swapped in the reverse order ".

The arduous path comes to "be ready"

His Majesty often keeps himself a few beautiful female names that I love and love, all of them will be engraved on the metal plates placed in a large jar above the sieve. Whenever the king has an interest in marketing, he will flip the card with the chosen frequency. An eunuch will come to receive the king's card and start preparing for the job.

Until now, the town of eunuchs, the eunuchs will come to the palace of the palace to be favored, take off the girl's clothes to make sure there are no hidden weapons, before taking this immortal in a plate. The big blanket is woven with only gold silk and carried to the sultry side of the king. From this moment, the immortal must "crawl" on his own and crawl into the blanket because standing back to the Emperor is blasphemous. After they were happy, they would crawl back out of bed, rolling themselves into blankets before being sent back to the palace by the eunuch.

Before marketing, the eunuch will ask the king to "save or not save" to prepare for the next step. If it is "not saved" , it may be allowed to withdraw or let them take birth control pills to prevent risks. If it is "saved" , during the time of the meeting, the eunuch will be on duty and record the date and time so that later it can be checked whether the child of the son of a born is the humiliation of Emperor or not. Regarding the time of meeting, in order to ensure the longevity for the Emperor, the eunuch is allowed to stand outside constantly to let the Emperor know and finish the work in accordance with the regulations.