NASA is about to attack asteroids that harm the Earth

Planet researchers, spacecraft engineers from NASA (USA) and ESA (Europe) and around the world meet in Rome next week to discuss deflecting a potentially dangerous asteroid for Left land.

This is the Didymos double asteroid about the size of a giant pyramid - one of the rocks in space capable of harming our planet.

Initially, the researchers expected the 2022 plan to carry out a review of the specifications to divert the asteroid.

Currently, the plan is expected to be revised in the next few months to study early crash of NASA's DART spacecraft into the asteroid.

Picture 1 of NASA is about to attack asteroids that harm the Earth
The European Space Research Agency (ESA) is studying the collision location and exploring new asteroid directions.The mission will be carried out in 2022. (Image: Sputnik).

Astrophysicist Brian May at ESA said the asteroid was big enough to destroy a city when it collided with Earth.

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has acknowledged that the Earth has no protection against the asteroid threats.

Rock objects called asteroids are attracted to Earth by gravity, which can bring tsunamis, catastrophic shock waves, etc. According to Spacetelescope, more than 700,000 rocks in space and most They are found in the "main belt" between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

Along with the apocalyptic asteroid Bennu - a well-known asteroid, the topic of research in the astronomy community - is a rock group called Potential Hazardous Objects (PHO). for the Earth.

"Even if they explode in the atmosphere, the results can still have a strong impact on the Earth," experts said. For example, the Chelyabinsk meteorite exploded above the Russian city of Ural in 2013. Although it was only 20 meters wide and not fatal, the shockwave from the explosion left 1,500 people injured and thousands of houses damaged. .