Send the turtle gene to the world gene bank

Results of genetic testing of Turtle Lake are being carried out by Vietnamese scientists to be sent to the World Genetic Bank.

Picture 1 of Send the turtle gene to the world gene bank
According to scientists, the turtle's skin color is difficult to return to its original form because of his age.Photo: Quang Bui.

" The Biotechnology Institute has completed the assessment of the results for Sword Lake Turtle. This result will be sent by Vietnamese scientists to the world gene bank, located in Switzerland, to give the most accurate results" Dr. Bui Quang Te, head of diagnosis and treatment team for Sword Lake turtle said.

According to Dr. Te, this process will be carried out in parallel with the matching of genetic samples from two Chinese turtles - considered the same species as the Sword Lake Turtle.

" It usually takes 3 years, or 10 years, for the world gene bank to announce the results. But with the Tortoise, it is expected that it will be announced in 6 months ," said Qi.

Based on the external appearance, Mr. Qi said that the possibility of a big lake turtle is "old lady". Mr. Te also added, according to the initial assessment of the genetic samples of turtles found in Vietnam, Sword Lake turtle being treated is a new species of Vietnam, not the same species as the Dong Mo turtle or the prize. Shanghai.

Regarding the health of Tortoise, Mr. Qi said, in theory about 10 more days, the treatment will be completed and can bring Tortoise back to the lake. But putting the Tortoise back into the environment depends on whether the lake water is cleaned or not.

" It is dangerous to let turtles live long on land, because the turtle will soon be tamed, accustomed to being cared for daily by humans. Natural survival skills will gradually disappear ", Mr. Te noted. .