The Earth was fortunate to escape the Super Sun storm

The Earth was fortunate to avoid the strongest solar storm in 150 years, capable of "bringing modern civilization back to the 18th century".

In a statement posted on the official website, Professor Daniel Baker of the aerospace and atmospheric physics department at the University of Colorado confirmed that the July 23, 2012 solar storm shot out of the Sun's surface earlier. only about a week, the Earth will catch a direct hit and damage is unthinkable.

Fortunately, the spacecraft tasked with STEREO-A Sun observation has left Earth to experience the full "fire storm" . With the devices designed to cope with such storms, the STEREO-A has brought NASA scientists a treasure trove of valuable information about this horrifying storm.

Analyzing the information obtained, the scientists concluded that the Sun storm on July 23, 2012 was comparable to the largest storm ever recorded in 1859, also known as the Carrington 1859 event . At that time, the storm destroyed all telephone lines and affected the telegraph system in Europe and North America.

Picture 1 of The Earth was fortunate to escape the Super Sun storm
The 2012 storm was twice as strong as the 1989 storm.

The storm in 2012 was twice as strong as the 1989 storm, causing a power outage in the Canadian province of Quebec affecting 6 million people during the nine hours. Considering the level of human dependence on information technology today, if the 2012 storm plunges to Earth, the consequences it brings will be beyond imagination.

According to the US National Academy of Sciences, the economic consequences of such a storm are estimated at more than $ 2,000 billion and it will take many years to recover, not to mention the impossibilities that cannot be measured .

Solar Storms were formed from an explosion on the "fire planet" surface, also known as Sun Fire . This explosion will emit X-rays and UV rays towards Earth at the speed of light. So, just hours after the explosion, charged particles (electrons and protons) will shorten the satellites and destroy electronic devices on it.

Next, plasma clouds are formed and usually take more than a day to travel to Earth.

Of course, these clouds are often diverted by the Earth's magnetic field, but in case they are strong enough to pierce this "armor layer" the consequences will be a real disaster.

According to experts, the Sun storm can cause widespread power outages, damage satellites, communication systems, digital devices such as smartphones, TVs, radios .

On the average, every 200 years, a super-solar storm occurs. In the present time, the Sun is at the end of the cycle and possesses maximum energy so it is more likely to create new storms.

Analyzing the figures for the Sun storm over the past 50 years, physicist Pete Riley has predicted the possibility of the Earth picking up a solar super typhoon in the next decade by 12%.

Under this situation, countries are stepping up the early warning program for solar storms by observing the surface of the planet and analyzing the parameters provided by satellites.

The aurora phenomenon - born when charged particles in the solar storm interact with the planets' magnetic fields and create distinctive colors in the night sky - is one of the signs that scientists have Especially interested in forecasting the solar storm.