The secret of sacred temples in Myanmar

Shwedagon Pagoda has 8 curls of Buddha, the location of Shwezigon Pagoda is decided by a white elephant, the largest temple built by a tyrant, Bagan . is the mystery that attracts tourists to Myanmar.

Dhammayangyi Temple

Picture 1 of The secret of sacred temples in Myanmar

Dhammayangyi Temple is Bagan's largest temple. According to the old legend , King Narathu built this place to atone for his sins. This is an extremely brutal king - he kills his father and brother to take the throne, executes an Indian princess for refusing to quit Hinduism, and murdering masons if he can fit in one. the nail between the temple bricks.

After his death, the construction of the temple also ceased, it was thought that the debris broken down throughout the temple was a product of masons. Today, the inside of the temple has been sealed up without any reason.

Shwedagon Pagoda

Picture 2 of The secret of sacred temples in Myanmar

Shwedagon Pagoda - Myanmar's most sacred Buddhist architecture located in Yangon is believed to be hosting 8 curls of Buddha.

According to legend, two brothers from the city of Balkh (present-day Afghanistan) received the Buddha's 8 curls of his hair. The brothers then go to Burma, with the help of the regional leader finding the Singuttara hill, where the relics are stored. The tower containing the remains of monks and nuns on the main dome also has a crown inlaid with 7,000 diamonds and precious stones , at the top is a 74 karat diamond.

Ananda temple

Picture 3 of The secret of sacred temples in Myanmar

Legend has it that the great Ananda temple in Bagan, built on the description of eight monks about the Nandamula cave temple in the Himalayas. The king ordered monks to build a temple in the center of Bagan steppe, recreating the wonderful conditions of the original temple. After completion, to preserve the uniqueness of the temple, the king murdered these monks so that no similar architecture could grow.

Shwezigon temple

Picture 4 of The secret of sacred temples in Myanmar

Shwezigon is a famous temple in Bagan. It is believed that the location of the temple is due to a white elephant carrying on it a piece of the Buddha's forehead pointing the way. The animal was allowed to roar loudly to indicate wherever it stopped, it would be the location of the temple.

Pindaya cave

Picture 5 of The secret of sacred temples in Myanmar

Pindaya Cave in the Shan States has thousands of Buddha statues and paintings, dating back to the beginning of the 18th century. This collection will give visitors a better understanding of art harmony.

There is a legend about this cave related to spider sculpture at the cave gate. The story tells that there are 7 princesses locked in a cave by a spider lover. At this time, a prince passed by and heard their cry for help. The princess promised to give the youngest girl's hand to him if he killed the monster and freed them. After that, he won and married the princess.

Popa Mountain

Picture 6 of The secret of sacred temples in Myanmar

Popa Mountain is regarded as the Olympus peak of the Myanmar people, a pilgrimage site, the home of many temples of the most powerful souls. Superstitious people believe that they should not wear red, black, green and wear meat when they come to this mountain.


Picture 7 of The secret of sacred temples in Myanmar

You will be amazed at the scenery of Kyaiktiyo - where a small temple sits on the top of a granite rock just rolling down the hill.

It is said that a lock of Buddha's hair is buried here and thus keeps the rock from moving. To come here and cast a gold leaf into the rock, you will have to go through a bridge across the abyss. However, women are not allowed to touch the rock and therefore are not allowed to cross the bridge.