The tiger is planted with fangs of gold

It took nearly 80 minutes for dentists to implant gold dentures for caries in the Massweiler conservation center.

The 6-year-old tiger named Cara underwent prolonged surgery to replace the upper canine fang. It was rescued from a farm in Mugnano, Italy, in 2013 and moved to the Tiger Conservation Center in Massweiler , Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany two years later.

Doctors at the center discovered two large bumps in the upper right canine teeth of Cara and worried that the tooth might break at any time. They immediately contacted an international team of tigers who came to help with Cara's gold prosthetic teeth. The complicated surgery is divided into two phases to help Cara get a normal bite joint and not suffer more damage while eating.

First of all, the experts create teeth models of Cara. They then designed a fang that fitted the jaw structure.

Picture 1 of The tiger is planted with fangs of gold
Cara with new tooth.(Photo: Sun).

Biologist Florian Eiserlo said the damaged tooth was cleaned and primed by doctors to attach to the dentures. The Massweiler Center has created a special diet for the tiger to recover. After 3 weeks, Cara can eat meat again and chew bones.

"We are very pleased that Cara can now bite normally. She also 'laughs' to show off her new gold tooth. The implant fits nicely into the treated tooth , " Lindenschmidt said. "Looking at the X-ray film, we realized that the deep marks had eaten into the marrow. If the fangs were broken, the tiger would be extremely painful. Thankfully, the international team of dentists helped. cure it, " Lindenschmidt said.